Input Mask


Tureco Del Hockey
Local time
Today, 11:00
Feb 25, 2003
I'm trying to have an input mask, however I'm coming across a problem with it.
I need it ot be 00/000;0;_ OR 00/0000;0;_

This is similar to an issue I can think of with British Postal Codes.

Although the mask says >LL00 0LL, it is also required to be able to enter >LL0 0LL.

Is the only way around this to put in a preceeding zero?

Or is there a way of doing what I'm after?

I put this in the table forum as it's aproperty option in the table (or at least it is with the way I'm trying to currecntly do it).


Access help has a list of all possible input mask characters and their meanings. you can write your mask to do whatever you need by using that list as a reference.
The # symbol was the one I needed (#=optional figure) :)
Glad to point you in the right direction.

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