insight into big banks' sophisticated analysis of customer behavior and loyalty....

Sincerely doubt that. My wife probably has you beat. She hides her money at Penney's, the local grocery chain, the local greeting card store (a Hallmark franchise), the book store. She hides it so well that we never see it again.
You know what that sounds like to me richard? That sounds to me like either a wife or a husband or both that are paranoid and scared to death that the government is nothing more than one big conspiracy? Is that true? And does that apply to you and your wife?
I'd be curious to know what you do for a living moke.but obviously you can't reveal the publicly on this board. whatever it is.and I'm sure you know every trick in the book on how to get information from a person across the internet above ground and below ground just as I know. So I'll wait for you and when you find out where I'm at or what my phone number is then you can give me a call then I'll know that you have talent
You wouldn't want to go there even in a Yaris. :unsure:
You wouldn't want to go there even in a Yaris. :unsure:
hmmmmm....well now. it doesn't take a hell of a lot of talent to pay a cheap ass internet company $1 dollar for a trail membership and get a background check on someone, then cancel it before 7 days runs out.

but, I guess that's only one possibility. and you'll have to run the insurance records to find out what happened to all 3 of them. the same fate for all 3. what a coincidence!? and the same type of accident for all three. I have not been very caring to animals in that regard. :( but I swear, none of those occurances were my fault!
You wouldn't want to go there even in a Yaris. :unsure:
You still haven't told me what you do for a living. send a PM. if you're not scared I'll hack the shit out of you. if you've been following me, you know I don't waste my time learning how. there's better things to do. Although I would like to spend the time seeing if Jon has anything javascript holes in Xenfro. But I have no time, or desire to do so.
What? You can make a joke but I can't?
Obviously, nobody who pays attention.
You really like felonies dont you.
nope. but trust me, I'm sure there will come a day when the tyrants of the world will want to keep their money so badly, that they will enact laws that say something like this:
if you are suspected of being a hacker or a criminal based on "anything you say", that is decided by us and our country's policies, to be suspicious in nature, it is a 5 year prison sentence
Hey @moke123 regarding the picture of that hacker criminal that's been sending stuff to that contact form, I'm getting those repeatedly now from all different types of identities and all different types of hashes. That wouldn't be your doing would it? I would think not considering that you have no time and that you're gainfully employed legally somewhere secretly apparently according to you. And this problem will be fixed pretty soon cuz I'll delete the code all take an hour and simply write the code that's needed to block these idiots it's not that tough
Hey @moke123 regarding the picture of that hacker criminal that's been sending stuff to that contact form, I'm getting those repeatedly now from all different types of identities and all different types of hashes. That wouldn't be your doing would it? I would think not considering that you have no time and that you're gainfully employed legally somewhere secretly apparently according to you. And this problem will be fixed pretty soon cuz I'll delete the code all take an hour and simply write the code that's needed to block these idiots it's not that tough
WTF is that word salad?
WTF is that word salad?
LOL. excuse me? it's english. would you prefer hebew? the language of the bible?

היי @ moke123 בנוגע לתמונה של אותו פושע האקרים ששלח דברים לטופס יצירת הקשר הזה, אני מקבל אותם שוב ושוב מכל סוגי הזהויות השונות ומכל סוגי האש. זה לא היה העשייה שלך נכון? הייתי חושב שלא מתחשב בכך שאין לך זמן ושאתה מועסק באופן חוקי איפשהו בסתר, ככל הנראה לטענתך. והבעיה הזו תתוקן די מהר כי אני מוחק את הקוד כל הזמן לוקח שעה ופשוט אכתוב את הקוד הדרוש כדי לחסום את האידיוטים האלה זה לא כל כך קשה
Technically, wrong. The language of the Bible should be Aramaic. It was translated many times before the Hebrew version was created.
Technically, wrong. The language of the Bible should be Aramaic. It was translated many times before the Hebrew version was created.
i really have no idea richard. I would guess that the book was written in many different languages originally, because each book was written during different time periods? a scholar once told me that some of it was in greek, some in hebrew and some in latin.

it should NOT be Aramaic. I don't think anyway. that's an extension dialog used during Jesus' time.

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