Is it worth making a customized Extension Box?


Prabhakaran Karuppaih
Local time
Today, 14:08
Mar 22, 2009
Hi All,

Good Morning.I have an extension box which has five plug points. I suspect all five points supply same amount of electricity despite the devices only need a fraction of it. Am I right? For instance, my home is being supplied 240 volts but my mobile charger consumes the full 240 just to supply only 12 or 25 volts to my mobile. I am thinking what if I make an extension box having dedicated plugs having designated plug points with different desired voltage levels. Is it worth making it? My primary doubt is, a charger with 240 Volts input spec will work on 30 volts still supplying the same 20 or 30 volts needed by mobile. Please answer. My last month electricity bill is 7500 INR.
Your statement doesn't add up. However, I think I know what might be going on. If you have a 240 supply coming out of the wall but your box contains several step-down transformers, they draw current even when nothing is plugged into their sockets. Doing it that way with built-in step-down transformers that are, in effect, always on is wasteful. Having a dedicated plug-in transformer that you disconnect when you aren't using the appliance is the right way to go. Unless I have totally misunderstood what you did.
My idea is to have only one step down instead of 5 different step downs...
The number doesn't matter. The fact of having a perpetually connected step-down is what consumes power, because as long as the transformer is connected, it draws power and generates heat.
Don't complain about your electricity bill. You'll be on cheap electricity from coal fired power stations.
Over here we are paying astronomical amounts for it. Thanks to 2Tier Stalin, withing two years it will have doubled again to pay for his crackpot ideas. Maths is a total mystery to them. They think science is the name of a shop steward and that physics is the name of a pub.

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