Is something wrong with me?


Prabhakaran Karuppaih
Local time
Today, 19:59
Mar 22, 2009
In two of the sites i usually post they are okay with my absence (they haven't banned or deleted my profile) but they gave weightage to other person despite of him started the argument. Is anything wrong with me... I don't know how many days are left for me here. If you wanna kill me. Kill me right now.

Why everyone in the world wants only to hear 'Yes. You are right' from others.

Humanity has never stopped sacrifiing habit. Not even virtually!
Not really sure what you mean, but as far as I'm concerned - you are no better or worse than anyone here. As far as debates go, when you step into the ring - either as the initiator or responder - you cant complain when you get "hit".
Hi prabha_friend m, I wanted to take a moment to respond to your post and let you know that from what I’ve seen, you’ve never imposed anything controversial or negative towards others in this community. I truly can’t see any reason why you should feel threatened or unwelcome here.

I do recall a recent situation where you posted a link that was perceived as advertising, and I wonder if that might be contributing to your sense of dissatisfaction. If that’s the case, please know that it wasn’t intended as a personal admonishment, just a gentle reminder in line with our forum guidelines.

You’ve made some thoughtful contributions, even though you don’t always post about MS Access itself, I always find your contributions interesting & entertaining.

We have areas like the Water Cooler where discussions are more relaxed and open to a variety of topics, with very minimal moderation—just as long as posts align with the forum guidelines, such as avoiding advertising links.

I also want to mention that I haven’t seen you involved in any controversial or rude discussions, and I don’t believe anyone here views you in a negative light.

Your recent post has me a bit concerned, and I’d like to better understand what’s really bothering you.

I noticed you used the phrase “kill me,” and I want to assure you that we don’t want you to feel that way. I suspect you might have meant it in the context of being removed from the site, especially since “kill” can be a term used in programming to stop a process.

If you’re comfortable, I’d encourage you to share more about what’s on your mind. This community values you, and we’d like to help if something’s troubling you.Take care, and I hope to hear from you soon.
While your questions are somewhat off-topic here sometimes, that is NOT a fatal flaw. You have continued to use proper, straight-forward language that is not threatening or insulting. The occasional posting of a questionable link is hardly grounds for termination. We have had a few folks who DID use vile, vulgar, and personally aggressive language. They got permanently banned very quickly. You, on the other hand, have so far, totally avoided that path. (Good for you! (y))

When you post off-topic, based on "hit count", your "out-there" threads get ignored. That is perhaps sad, but the truth is that we don't have trouble with you posting that way. If you choose a topic that just doesn't mesh with the people here, it is unfortunate for you, but we still welcome you as a person who seeks to learn. And (at least to me) that isn't a bad thing.

Don't change, @prabha_friend. We don't require conformity here. Except that we ask for continued respect for other members. If you can do that, we won't kill your account.

NOTE: The ONE exception is that some accounts here appear to have been hacked and used to post escort links. Escorts of the sexual kind. We might temporarily ban an account that gets hacked that way because that slows down the hackers. As long as you keep your account with a good password, you should not have that specific problem.
Why everyone in the world wants only to hear 'Yes. You are right' from others.
This is a sad part of our human nature. The best thing a person can learn in this lifetime is how to accept correction from others. But it's very hard. We want validation, affirmation, justification, explanation, and general cover. Imagine hearing two people arguing with 2 different opinions. One of them makes a point and the other suddenly pauses genuinely and says - You know what, you're right, I never thought of it quite like that, I think I've been wrong about this". Astounding, wouldn't it be? But that kind of willingness - the openness to at least the possibility of being wrong, is a requirement for most types of self improvement and actually makes a person happier through humility and authenticity.

You are no better or worse than anyone. We all need God the exact same amount, and we all have the same opportunity, until we die, to receive God and surrender to our Creator. Everyone has that little ugly 'void' inside that can only be filled one way.

PS. I really shouldn't speak for others, but I feel a little confidence in saying: We do not want to kill you.
Thank you so much to you all for being this much kind and understanding.
With Tearing Eyes,
Becoming stronger 💪
Became aware that not all people (most people) do really want to help you in this world. Some may bully you. Some may tease you. Some may like you being tortured. The only way of coming out is getting stronger.
Remember a few bits of advice.

First, "That which does not kill me makes me stronger." (Attributed first to German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.)

Second, when facing the world, embrace bravery. "L'audace, l'audace, ... toujours l'audace." (Audacity, audacity, always audacity - attributed to Frederick the Great and frequently quoted by USA World War II general George S Patton.)

When you face the world, you LEARN from your interactions. OK, so sometimes those interactions can be a bit tough - as you implied in post #1 of this thread. However, in post #7 you revealed that you are learning to identify and resist the negative factors in your life. There is a fractured Latin quote "illegitimis non carborundum" - roughly, "don't let the bastards grind you down." USA World War II general Joe Stillwell frequently used variations of this sentiment.

My favorite song related to this general sentiment is "Hold Your Head Up" by Argent. It is motivating on many levels including a "plodding" beat that doesn't rush... but doesn't give up either.

(Sorry if you run into a few ads... YouTube seems to like ads. A LOT of ads.)

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