Is The Press Finally Showing Some Backbone?

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 17:33
Jul 5, 2006
Most to members of the press have been nothing more than Democratic operatives writing stories in support of Biden and the Democrats without questioning the validity of the stories. Seems that the White House is very disappointed that the press has not immediately jumped to support Biden's tiff with the Hur report by condemning that report as inaccurate.

The White House Correspondents Association expressed the following: We are not in the business of policing news for the White House.
This was in response to the following comment.
Most to members of the press have been nothing more than Democratic operatives writing stories in support of Biden and the Democrats without questioning the validity of the stories. Seems that the White House is very disappointed that the press has not immediately jumped to support Biden's tiff with the Hur report by condemning that report as inaccurate.

The White House Correspondents Association expressed the following: We are not in the business of policing news for the White House.
This was in response to the following comment.
Translation: if the conservatives want to tell lies, it's not our job to stop them.
Besides, there's a good chance Trump will be back in town,everyone knows how vindictive he is.
Translation: if the conservatives want to tell lies, it's not our job to stop them.
Besides, there's a good chance Trump will be back in town,everyone knows how vindictive he is.
It seems that you neglect that any information Democrats do not like is called "disinformation" subject to potential criminal action.
Democrats are the ones being vindictive. Note all the unwarranted partisan lawfare actions against Trump including unjustified impeachments. Calls for Trump's impeachment began when he first assumed office before any impeachable acts could have even been implemented. That demonstrates how deranged Democrats are. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real! Democrats do not believe in the rule-of-law or due process.

"I’m resigning from The Post editorial board because the imperative to endorse Kamala Harris over Donald Trump is about as morally clear as it gets,” Roberts wrote in her resignation letter. “Worse, our silence is exactly what Donald Trump wants: for the media, for us, to keep quiet.”
The significance of the quote above, is that the person who resigned believed that the Washington Post has a responsibility to act as a propaganda arm of the Democratic party. The owner of the Post evidently did not want to go down that rabbit-hole in this election cycle. The byline of the Post is "Democracy Dies in Darkness". The darkness is partisan journalists who only report from their wildly convoluted "truth" perspective not as neutral observers of the facts.

The high degree of media bias against Trump is reviewed in the article below. Negative stories concerning Democrats are suppressed while negative stories concerning Republicans are highlighted in bold letters. The poster-child for abusive media coverage revolves around the Hunter Biden laptop and Lesley Stahl's viscous inquisition of Trump where the media lied and has never apologized. One new "suppressed" piece of news is that Harris failed to prosecute pedophile priests, yet she claims to be an aggressive follows the law prosecutor. The media inflates Harris out to be the new Joan of Arc and unfairly demonizes and persecutes Nazi Trump.
The analysts noted that the coverage of Trump mostly focused on controversies and criticism regarding the former president. But when controversies surrounding the vice president or her family surfaced, such as plagiarism allegations, the coverage was light or non-existent.

"Instead, Harris’s coverage has been larded with enthusiastic quotes from pro-Harris voters, creating a positive 'vibe' for the Democrat even as network reporters criticize Trump themselves," the study said.
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Here's what I find really interesting. I mean really, truly, something interesting.

I've noticed that many of the things that MAGA or Republicans are preaching these days, are things that the Left seems to believe - or pretends that they believe - are NEW. While in actuality, those same things are things conservatives have been preaching for at least 45 years, since I've been hearing them from my life mentors all my life and I am 45.

The badness of: the DOE, the beaurocratic state esp. it's law-giving bodies that are unelected, the military's fund-edness, $spending as the solution to every problem, big government, waste, nanny state, socialist tendencies of the Democrats, a focus on pampering criminals instead of punishing.
And our country having started as a mostly God-fearing nation in the bulk of its tradition, etc.

To read left wing articles, you'd think all this was NEW. i.e. they've made up a term for it "christian nationalism", claiming it's come up to speed in the last 3-5 years - but that's ridiculously untrue. I've been taught every single one of these principles since I was 2, and every genuine conservative I know has espoused the vast majority of them my entire life.

There's nothing new about it - but there may be something new about the determinedness that we now show in achieving them..
I've been taught every single one of these principles since I was 2, and every genuine conservative I know has espoused the vast majority of them my entire life.
We're talking common sense here as well as empirical observation. If you open your eyes, you can see how many of the left's "good" ideas go south when implemented because there's never any measurements attached to quantify how well they are working. But I can't attribute all of the rational observations to only Republicans. My Democrat friends agree on most of them OR, at least they used to before TDS turned their world upside down. Trump is a lifelong Democrat with a lot of money and businesses to support so he purchased whatever politicians he needed to help his businesses. "The Donald's" crime was to talk about it and show pictures of Bubba and Hil hugging him at his wedding. When Trump got elected by "mistake", the Democrats had to do immediate about-faces on many of their long held positions so now they are just sounding stupid as they try to justify why allowing millions of illegal aliens into the country is now "good" rather than "bad" as it was before Trump said it was bad.
We're talking common sense here as well as empirical observation. If you open your eyes, you can see how many of the left's "good" ideas go south when implemented because there's never any measurements attached to quantify how well they are working. But I can't attribute all of the rational observations to only Republicans. My Democrat friends agree on most of them OR, at least they used to before TDS turned their world upside down. Trump is a lifelong Democrat with a lot of money and businesses to support so he purchased whatever politicians he needed to help his businesses. "The Donald's" crime was to talk about it and show pictures of Bubba and Hil hugging him at his wedding. When Trump got elected by "mistake", the Democrats had to do immediate about-faces on many of their long held positions so now they are just sounding stupid as they try to justify why allowing millions of illegal aliens into the country is now "good" rather than "bad" as it was before Trump said it was bad.

Yeah and they're now doing precisely what we predicted they would. After letting millions of extra people in illegally, they are saying "well gee, you can't really be going to deport nice happy families and non-citizen parents of citizen children, who are working in construction and restaurants and etc, are you??"

In other words they let them in, knowing that politically it would be much harder to deport them once here, as the sympathy card comes into play much more so. Kind of a cruel game actually.

Like give a kid a candy bar that they're not supposed to have - and then watch the other parent muster up the resolve to pull it back out of their hand - #2 is much harder than simply not doing #1 would have been.
And they are still trafficking the children. Who in their right mind would send a child blindly to an address pinned to the kid's shirt.
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And they are still trafficking the children. Who in their right mind would send a child blindly to an address pinned to their shirt.
Which raises the question of deranged "justice". The police should be arresting the person(s) who the child is being sent to, for child endangerment. The Mexican police should also be arresting those sending the child for child endangerment. But they aren't. Yet here the US, a mom can be arrested for letting her child walk alone in the neighborhood.
Once again illegal immigrants are somehow exempt from the law, but a US citizen is not. That is ridiculous.
Biden, for failing to enforce US immigration laws, should have been charged (impeached?) for human trafficking.
Talk about brainwashing. Way too many people are easy to "guilt" into thinking that controlling our immigration policy is racist. Just because someone wants a better life doesn't mean they get to steal from the American public to obtain their goals by breaking OUR law. Who wants a citizen who's first act is to become a criminal? We have no responsibility to save every poor downtrodden person on the globe. Even the bible understands you can't save everyone. It would be nice if we could but we can't and allowing ourselves to be "guilted" into a suicide pact is really stupid. We do our best. We take in far more of the world's needy than all other countries combined.
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