Is this possible??


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Today, 08:27
Jun 13, 2002
I am designing a form and I want a part number to link with its description.

Can I make a special kind of combo box or something?

Goal: So when a person puts in a part number, it already links to the part description. The need for this to be linked is so that there are not 10 descriptions for the same part.

And can the list of descriptions be editable?


Well, I think I know what you mean...

Your table contains part numbers and descriptions together?

Design a combo box which contains both fields and display them both. As your user enters the part number , the list will scroll down and display the part description as well.

Is this what you are trying to achieve?

Or do you want your form to open at a specific record when a part number is entered?
Yeah I want the concept of the combo box. How do I design it?
It's all handled by a wizard, so no sweat there. Open your form in design view, select Combo from the toolbox. You will be asked whether you want to base the combo on a table\query or enter your own values. Choose Table/Query. Choose the fields you want from a list of tables and queries. Include the primary key field first, this will be hidden by default. That's it!
Whyy would you want to edit the list? That isn't what a combo box is for. What exactly do you want to do? You can make your combo call up a specific record on a form and then edit the record directly - wouldn't this be better for your needs?
You would only be able to edit the list in the table that the Combo box is "bound" to.

esentially your product table will contain the description,
Maybe I dont want a combo box.

Then can I have a text box that links to another text box?

For example I have 2 boxes, and in the first box i enter in the part number. I then want that part number to automatically pull up a description in the other box.

THe description needs to be editable for the fact that part specifications can change.

Thats basically what Im trying to do. But dont know how to link the two together. Thats why I was thinking a combo box for the first box would work. You could run down the list and pick your part number and then have that number link to another box for the description.


When designing a combo box, you get an option to have it open a particular record for you.

So create a form which contains your part number and its specification and any other info you want. Then put a combo on the form and include the key field (primary key) if it's not the part number, the part number itself and (optionally) the description, so you have a double check that you're choosing the right item.

Select the option to open a record and save your design.

When you make a combo selection in form view, your form will scroll to the record that corresponds to the part number. You can then edit your record as you like.
Are you trying to edit the part list, or add a part to a record?

These are two different questions.

If you want to go to a particular Part in the reference table and edit the description/specifications when they change, then choose the third option cogent1 talked about, "Find a record based on the value I select."

However if you're trying to add a part to a record (say, an assembly record), AND you want to be able to individually edit the specification for that record, without changing the others you've stored, that's a completely different question. Use a multi-column combo box that has the description in it, and in the AfterUpdate for the first field, store that extra column in the [Description] field of your Assembly table. Then you can edit it there without mucking about in your lookup table.

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