ISAM error


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 22:58
May 2, 2000
I have a non-installable ISAM error.

It comes down to this statement

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel97, "bufTimecardConvert", WBS_Path & WBS_File, , varStartingWith

and then reports the error :

# 3170 - Couldn't find installable ISAM

I have recently had problems with my Hardisks, and had to eliminate two of them.
I finally got every thing in working order once again except this one error above.

The Help screen for this problem says :

"The locations for all ISAM drivers are maintained in the Windows Registry.
These entries are created automatically when you install your application. If you
change the location of these drivers, you need to correct your application Setup program to reflect this change and make the
correct entries in the Registry."

My question is "How do I correct the Windows Registry?" I've tried reinstalling
office 97. It seems to install properly but I still get the Access error.

What am I doing wrong (or not doing at all ...

Basically Access is telling you that the Excel driver is not properly installed.
Try this:
Close Access, get back to Desktop. Click the Start Button, go to Find and over to Files or Folders and click. In the Named: box, type msexcl35.dll, regsvr32.exe (include the comma). This will locate the two files (it's possible to have more than one regsvr32.exe, this is OK). Drag the msexcl35.dll on top of regsvr32.exe then release it. This should reregister the file and should clear up the problem.

Good Luck

[This message has been edited by R. Hicks (edited 06-30-2000).]
Just wanted to make a note here. I had the same problem and this DID work. Even though, I'm using Access 2003, the problem was resolved. It's funny though, I was able to export to a spreadsheet, but was unable to import from a spreadsheet until I registered msexcl35.dll. I also registered msexcl40.dll.

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