Issue with Adding & Updating New Records from other Form


Local time
Today, 06:51
Aug 13, 2022
Hi all,

I have created a sub-form called "frmAssignmentDetails," which I use in the main form "frmAssignment," where I can add new cars based on the table "dbo_tblCar." I use some FAYT VBA code from MajP to find the car in a combo box. In case the car is not found, the user can double-click on the text box above the combo box to launch the form "frmAddcar" to add a new car to the database in the table "dbo_tblCar." If the user adds a new car, but the car is already in the database, no new car is created; instead, the related CarID is placed in the record source of frmAssignmentDetails. Additionally, each time the record is changed in frmAssignmentDetails, the StartDateTime value of frmAssignmentDetails is updated to Now().

I have two remaining issues that I’m struggling to resolve:

1.) If the user decides to insert a new record but starts with the double-click event, immediately adding a new car and finishing the records, it is no longer possible to add a new record afterward.

2.) When performing process (1), the StartDateTime is not inserted into dbo_tblAssignmentDetails.

I have attached my database. Does anyone have any advice or tips? Thank you :)!


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issue 1. double-click where? (what control and form).
i added StartDateTime on the subform and Hid it.


issue 1. double-click where? (what control and form).
i added StartDateTime on the subform and Hid it.
Hi, control "Text68" within form frmAssignmentDetails
here test it again.
After testing, I can confirm that issue one is resolved. However, after inserting the record (using the method from issue one), issue 2 still exist for that record, StartDateTime is null/empty. Also when changing an existing car by using frmAddCar form (with text68) is not updating anymore the StartDateTime.
test it again, i add BeforeUpdate event on the subform instead of using Dirty event.


test it again, i add BeforeUpdate event on the subform instead of using Dirty event.
The functionality for issues 1 and 2 has been resolved. However, the incorrect time is now being inserted/updated in the StartDateTime field. Currently, it records the time at which the record is saved, but I would like it to capture the time when the user begins the insertion or update process.

For example, if the user starts updating at 12:00:00 and finishes 30 seconds later, the date time inserted/updated should still be 12:00:00, rather than the completion time. This is the reason I was trying to get this functionality by using the Dirty event.

FYI: In the backend (sql server), a trigger records the insert/update datetime in another table. Both timestamps are then used in the backend to calculate the number of seconds spent on a record.
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you can manually remove the code of BeforeUpdate event.
instead, add code to the subform's BeforeInsert and move the code there.


you can manually remove the code of BeforeUpdate event.
instead, add code to the subform's BeforeInsert and move the code there.
I don't think that will work, because if the user edits another field like ProductType, it will take the "record finish datetime", instead of "records start edit/insert datetime"
oK, I remove the BeforeInsert event and reinstate Form_Dirty event , but this time i change it to Public Sub so we can call it from frmAddCar.


oK, I remove the BeforeInsert event and reinstate Form_Dirty event , but this time i change it to Public Sub so we can call it from frmAddCar.

I think I got it to work, by adding first a check if the subform is already on Dirt in frmAddCar.
We want the timestamp the moment the record enters dirty mode and don't change it when a field is changed. Please see my update based on your last modification.


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