Linked Excel Data in Access doesn´t Update Formula


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Today, 04:18
Nov 11, 2022
Hi all, I have 3 fields in the access form linked to an excel table via a query. In excel it has 3 columns: A,B and C where the C=A+B. The problem is that when I enter the value of A and/or B in the Access form, the value of C is not calculated in either Access or Excel. Can anyone help me please?
maybe i am wrong, but is Linked Excel sheet Read only?
Just link fields A and B as a table. With IMEX=0, the values should be updatable.
Access side use a query to sum the fields.
By default, excel worksheet is read only, so that is to be expected.
You do the math in Access.
Just link fields A and B as a table. With IMEX=0, the values should be updatable.
Access side use a query to sum the fields.
But how to have sum of fields by a query in table in Excel? I need the field C=A+B in excel
The Excel sheet is editable, i can introduce A and B
Not in Access it isn't.
By default and design Excel linked sheets are read-only IN Access.
You have to use a IMEX setting to get over this.

There is a recent very similar thread here:
I need the field C=A+B in excel
You can leave that as a formula in the Excel sheet. But it shouldn't be part of the linked table in my opinion.
You can also link areas of an Excel sheet as a table.

All in all, you have a strange constellation here. I would question these critically before attempting to design them as desired.

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