Listbox query problem...


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:50
Feb 7, 2006
Hi guys,

I'm working on a company recruitment database. I've stripped out where my problem is and attached the relevant file/tables/queries, etc...

I have a form with 2 listboxes (left and right) that are used to select various combinations of employees depending on job role and skill types. The results are displayed in listbox 3 (bottom) at the bottom of the page. You can then use this list to view more detailed records which open up on the right of the main form...

The left listbox which selects job roles works fine, however I want the right listbox to ONLY show employees that match ONLY instances of skills selected.

What currently happens is that employees are shown that match ANY of the skills chosen instead of ONLY the skills chosen...

I've tried IN, = , and different operators but cannot seem to find a resolution...

Note: (There's an annoying msgbox that displays the rowsource variable every time you click the listboxes that I used for testing LOL)

The query's are addressed in VBA behind the main form...

Any help would be appreciated



Listbox query problem

Any takers on this one - ?

I'm just really stuck at filtering records from 2 listboxes where the second listbox is set to multi-select...

Many thanks in advance

Listbox problem...

Managed to sort my problem by making a temp table, appending necessary records and filtering /bit of VBA to get the desired result.

Now I can choose any position/job role and find candidates who match ALL the skills criteria that are attributed to them. I also managed to get it to work independant of which listbox is selected first, finding skill matches irrespective of job role and job roles irrespective of attributed skills - giving total flexibility and catering for all user intervention.

Take care people


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