Question Locating SQL Tables online


Aimless Extraordinaire
Local time
Today, 14:28
Jun 9, 2009
I realized after getting a Run Time Error:

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9'
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.
/webtms_du/inc/header.asp, line 21
...on my university's course website, that there may be a way to import some of their data. Let me mention also that I have NO intention whatsoever to edit or damage anything that they have in any of their tables.

The website that I would like to try and import into a database is the university Course List . Since the university has a terrible course scheduling software, I think it could be useful to find a way to generate entire schedules by listing the required courses. But first I would need to have duplicate tables for the data.

by looking through the page source on the website above, it seems to me that the website is generated almost as a report, and does not reference the location of the tables in the page source itself. Is there a way of finding where the actual tables are?

Any Suggestions?
My suggestion would be to speak to the website administrator, who will know the where the SQL server is located, and get permission to create a System DNS to the SQL database. Then use ADODB to reference the required tables.

By not involving them, assuming you have not as yet, should anything go wrong with their data and it transpires that you have effectively hacked iinto their data you will be serious trouble.

I don't suggest you do this without their persmission as the consequences could be subject to legal actions against you. Cover your back first.

Thanks, I started to notice bits of security here and there, so I came to the same conclusion as you, nearly the same time I read your post.

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