Loop without Do


Registered User.
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Today, 15:38
Jun 2, 2008
I have an error of loop without do in the code.

Any hint on it?

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
   Dim Year1 As Integer
    'Size the form.
    InsideWidth = 1440 * 10
    InsideHeight = 1440 * 6
    chkResourceOptimizer = False
    txtYear1 = Format(CDate("1/1/" & Year(Date)), "yyyy")
    txtMonth1 = CDate("1/1/" & Year(Date))
    Debug.Print "txtMonth1"; txtMonth1
    For intMonth = 1 To 11
        Forms("frmPipeline")("txtMonth" & (intMonth + 1)) = DateAdd("m", intMonth, txtMonth1)
   lngRightHardStop = (linTimeLine.Left + linTimeLine.Width)
    strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblProjects WHERE ResourceOptimizer=True ORDER BY ProjectID"
    Set rstProjects = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
    If rstProjects.RecordCount > 0 Then
        'rstProjects.Move intRecordNumber
        intRow = 1
           Do Until rstProjects.EOF
            Forms!frmPipeline!("chkResourceOptimizer" & intRow) = True
            Forms!frmPipeline!("txtProjectID" & intRow) = rstProjects!ProjectID
            Forms!frmPipeline!("txtTitle" & intRow) = rstProjects!Title
            Forms!frmPipeline!("txtSEOwner" & intRow) = rstProjects!SEOwner
            'Alligning rectangular bars according to the start date.
            If Not IsNull(rstProjects!DateStarted) Then
                intExtractYear = DatePart("yyyy", rstProjects!DateStarted)
                Debug.Print "ExtractYear"; intExtractYear
                 intExtractMonth = DatePart("m", rstProjects!DateStarted)
                 Debug.Print "ExtractMonth"; intExtractMonth
                intDuration = rstProjects!Duration * 720
                 Debug.Print "Duration"; intDuration
            txtYear1 = Format(CDate("1/1/" & Year(Date)), "yyyy")
             If (txtYear1 = intExtractYear) Then
                    lngProjectBarLeft = linTimeLine.Left + ((intExtractMonth - 1) * 720)
                      If lngProjectBarLeft >= linTimeLine.Left And lngProjectBarLeft <= lngRightHardStop Then
                        Forms!frmPipeline("recBar" & intRow).Left = lngProjectBarLeft
                        Forms!frmPipeline("recBar" & intRow).Visible = True
                      ElseIf lngProjectBarLeft < linTimeLine.Left Then
                         lngProjectBarRight = linTimeLine.Left
                      End If
                   lngProjectBarRight = linTimeLine.Left + ((intExtractMonth - 1) * 720) + intDuration
                 'debug.Print "LngProjectBarRight"; lngProjectBarRight
                   If lngProjectBarRight >= linTimeLine.Left And lngProjectBarRight <= lngRightHardStop Then
                         Forms!frmPipeline("recBar" & intRow).Visible = True
                  ElseIf lngProjectBarRight > lngRightHardStop Then
                       lngProjectBarRight = lngRightHardStop
                    End If
                       Forms!frmPipeline("recBar" & intRow).Visible = False
             End If
            intRow = intRow + 1
                 MsgBox "No records are selected"
    End If  'End if recordcount > 0.
 End Sub
Last edited:
You have a problem with your If/End If. I count 5 If but only 4 End If.
You were missing an End If
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

   Dim Year1 As Integer
   'Size the form.
   InsideWidth = 1440 * 10
   InsideHeight = 1440 * 6
   chkResourceOptimizer = False

   txtYear1 = Format(CDate("1/1/" & Year(Date)), "yyyy")

   txtMonth1 = CDate("1/1/" & Year(Date))
Debug.Print "txtMonth1"; txtMonth1

   For intMonth = 1 To 11
      Forms("frmPipeline")("txtMonth" & (intMonth + 1)) = DateAdd("m", intMonth, txtMonth1)

   lngRightHardStop = (linTimeLine.Left + linTimeLine.Width)

   strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblProjects WHERE ResourceOptimizer=True ORDER BY ProjectID"
   Set rstProjects = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

   If rstProjects.RecordCount > 0 Then

      'rstProjects.Move intRecordNumber

      intRow = 1

      Do Until rstProjects.EOF

         Forms!frmPipeline!("chkResourceOptimizer" & intRow) = True
         Forms!frmPipeline!("txtProjectID" & intRow) = rstProjects!ProjectID
         Forms!frmPipeline!("txtTitle" & intRow) = rstProjects!Title
         Forms!frmPipeline!("txtSEOwner" & intRow) = rstProjects!SEOwner

         'Alligning rectangular bars according to the start date.
         If Not IsNull(rstProjects!DateStarted) Then

            intExtractYear = DatePart("yyyy", rstProjects!DateStarted)
Debug.Print "ExtractYear"; intExtractYear
            intExtractMonth = DatePart("m", rstProjects!DateStarted)
Debug.Print "ExtractMonth"; intExtractMonth
            intDuration = rstProjects!Duration * 720
Debug.Print "Duration"; intDuration

            txtYear1 = Format(CDate("1/1/" & Year(Date)), "yyyy")

            If (txtYear1 = intExtractYear) Then

               lngProjectBarLeft = linTimeLine.Left + ((intExtractMonth - 1) * 720)

               If lngProjectBarLeft >= linTimeLine.Left And lngProjectBarLeft <= lngRightHardStop Then
                  Forms!frmPipeline("recBar" & intRow).Left = lngProjectBarLeft
                  Forms!frmPipeline("recBar" & intRow).Visible = True
               ElseIf lngProjectBarLeft < linTimeLine.Left Then
                  lngProjectBarRight = linTimeLine.Left
               End If

               lngProjectBarRight = linTimeLine.Left + ((intExtractMonth - 1) * 720) + intDuration
               'debug.Print "LngProjectBarRight"; lngProjectBarRight

               If lngProjectBarRight >= linTimeLine.Left And lngProjectBarRight <= lngRightHardStop Then
                  Forms!frmPipeline("recBar" & intRow).Visible = True
               ElseIf lngProjectBarRight > lngRightHardStop Then
                  lngProjectBarRight = lngRightHardStop
               End If
               Forms!frmPipeline("recBar" & intRow).Visible = False
            End If
            intRow = intRow + 1
         [b][COLOR="Red"]End If[/COLOR][/b]
      MsgBox "No records are selected"
   End If  'End if recordcount > 0.
End Sub

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