Lost Excel


Dick S
Local time
Today, 02:40
Jun 9, 2009
Just printed a excel file last week on my milage for taxes. Now cant find it. Tried google but no information to find all excel files on my computer. Help
Should be possible to open Excel and find recent files. Unless you have opened over a dozen files since you printed that sheet, it should be in the list. Unless it was on a removable medium like a thumb drive or CD R/W disk.
In explorer, there is a handy feature for finding recent files by typing in things like modified: today or modified: lastweek. There are a lot of different options for finding files. A simple *.xlsx would find all of the excel files on a particular drive, but I believe you can use it with dates as well. So use it like this: modified: lastweek *.xlsx or use lastmonth etc... If you have several drives, you would need to check them all.
Should be possible to open Excel and find recent files. Unless you have opened over a dozen files since you printed that sheet, it should be in the list. Unless it was on a removable medium like a thumb drive or CD R/W disk.
It got accidently moved inside a folder of list of fairs.
I found it by going to user and *XLSX
Download Eveything anyway. It is an excellent and very handy program.
I've had Everything for quite a while now and it is indeed very helpful in finding stuff.
I learned something from this thread, I'll have to check out that app I've never heard of it
Is it this?
My go-to for finding 'lost' files is Agent Ransack - very fast and flexible searches.
My go-to for finding 'lost' files is Agent Ransack - very fast and flexible searches.
That one doesn't have indexing unless you pay for the pro version.

There is also another program called AnyTXT Searcher which allows for searching through the contents of files much like GREP does in Linux. This is a very powerful tool IMO. Only problem is that it might be a little too powerful to trust. It's a risky app to install (China). It came out during the first Trump administration.
That one doesn't have indexing unless you pay for the pro version.

There is also another program called AnyTXT Searcher which allows for searching through the contents of files much like GREP does in Linux. This is a very powerful tool IMO. Only problem is that it might be a little too powerful to trust. It's a risky app to install (China). It came out during the first Trump administration.
I have the free version and it is very fast. Try it, you might be surprised. There is a 64 bit version. Make sure you get that one.
Is Losing files that common? :unsure:
I use it as a way to amaze my boss on how quickly lost files can be found. Instant hero.

Once had a family member lose a very important file and he told me the file name. Just used cmd prompt and quickly found the file was moved to a different folder. The old drag and drop it where you didn't want to drop it trick on yourself.
My wife maybe could benefit from this. She loses files constantly because she accepts too many 'defaults' in general computer behavior and has no consistent rules for herself, I've tried to help her find stuff but it's a nightmare sometimes. I might try her on Everything.

The only thing I always worry about with these types of programs is, like for example someone was trying to sell me on is it "Snoop" or "Show" or something the other day - something that would let you Preview a file with the spacebar once selected - i was like, do you have any idea the massive amount of cost that's going to have on the system, to have every file indexed and preview-able?? Stuff like this is going to require Goliath-type services running in the background draining the resources.

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