Make a query of Balance/Outstanding Amount Display only


New member
Local time
Tomorrow, 02:37
Dec 28, 2024
i Have two table one is Bills table
another is Payment table,
I want a query that show only Payment pending amount onlye
So do you assign payments to specific bills? Provide sample data. If you want to provide db for analysis, follow instructions at bottom of my post.
So do you assign payments to specific bills? Provide sample data. If you want to provide db for analysis, follow instructions at bottom of my post.
Yes i Have Customer Name id in Bill Filed

in Bill Table
Filed / Types
Id : Autonumber
PDate : Date Filed
BNos: Number
Customerid : Number
Place : Text Filed
Agentname : Text Filed
Gross Amt : Number
Taxes : Number
Disc : Number
Final Amt : Number

in Payment Table
Filed / Types
Id : Autonumber
PDate : Date
Customerid : Number
Billnos : Number
Amount : Number
Agent : Text filed
Narration : Text filed

Above are the filed in the my table, I want Query that Shows

only balance pending of my bills query....
You have BillNo in Payments so there is no need to put CustomerID in Payments.

Is BNos defined as primary key instead of autonumber?

Still doesn't provide data. Should I assume a bill can have multiple payments? This could get rather complicated.

SELECT tblBills.* FROM tblBills LEFT JOIN (SELECT BillNos, Sum(Amount) AS SumPmts FROM tblPayments GROUP BY BillNos) AS Pmts
ON tblBills.BNos = Pmts.BillNos WHERE GrossAmount>Nz(SumPmts,0)
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Arnel, your query is returning bill 3 as outstanding and a TotalBill amount of 5184 which is double the actual bill.

My simpler query returns only bills that have unpaid amount. To view all bills, just remove the WHERE clause. I would probably not use filter criteria in query and instead apply to report displaying records.

I modified to use FinalAmt.

SELECT tblBills.*, SumPmts FROM tblBills LEFT JOIN (SELECT BillNos, Sum(Amount) AS SumPmts FROM tblPayments GROUP BY BillNos) AS Pmts
ON tblBills.BNos = Pmts.BillNos WHERE GrossAmount>Nz(SumPmts,0)

Change db to Overlapping Windows and you can arrange objects to be viewed simultaneously. Really nice to compare query results.
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