Make table query with Password


ACCESS newbie
Local time
Yesterday, 21:52
Feb 10, 2009
I have a make table query whose destination is another database. It was working until I was asked to put a password on the destination database. I adjusted the make table query to include the password. (It actually asked for it the first time I went into the setup.) Now when I try to run the make table query, I get an error saying that the password is Not Valid. I know it's correct!

This is what the Make Table filename says:
G:\APCOMM\T&E items\Rate 1047221.mdb ";PWD=Ruby"

Any suggestions?
are both passwords the same case, if a password has been set as ruby, and you are entering Ruby, then this will fail.
Yes - I made sure that the passwords were exact.
I just had the same problem - Access does not properly fill in the "Dest Connect Str" in the query properties. You need to add more parameters along with the "PWD". I used this for my query:

MS Access;PWD=testing;DATABASE=C:\Users\YourFilePath\YourAccessDatabaseFile.accdb

Hope this helps for future reference...

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