Minimized Navigation Pane and form font changes display glitches


Local time
Today, 06:53
Jan 14, 2017
A few weeks ago I reported two display issues to the Access team that had started after the new Aptos font Office theme was released in version 2308.
I'm using the Beta version of Office (now on 2311) and at the time of reporting the issues, I was the only person to have done so.

The issues now seem to be becoming more widely noticed as others progress to v2309 or later.
The problems are:

1. When the navigation pane is minimized, the vertical text appears to be compressed or in a strange script:

Also reported in a thread at: Experts Exchange and since confirmed by another MVP.

2. Databases that used the default Calibri font (probably the vast majority), now have some command buttons changed to System font and some textboxes/labels/ combos etc changed to MS Sans Serif. In many forms, only a few controls are affected. In others like the form below, almost all control fonts get changed and the text may not fit in the space provided. For example:


Also reported at Labels text on my forms changed to MS SANS SERIF (; Font Changed to "System" on Buttons | Access World Forums (; Access Won't Use Calibri Font | Access World Forums (

If you are on 2308 or later and experiencing either or both of these issues please respond below stating your Access version, build, bitness and release channel
e.g. mine is currently 365 version 2311 Build 16926.20000 Click to Run 32-bit Beta Channel as shown on my version checker (which thankfully isn't affected by this glitch)

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Updated today to Version 2309 Build 16.0.16827.20130 32-bit Current Channel. - I see the problem with the text on the minimized Navigation Pane right away.

I haven't found any of the font issues you mentioned yet.
However, I've seen reports of the tab control font being changed to "System" on another forum.
Thanks Philipp.
It would be helpful if you are able to post any links to the font issue that aren't in my original post.
I have the same issues with Microsoft® Access® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2309 Build 16.0.16827.20014) 32-bit
(also with Microsoft® Access® für Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2309 Build 16.0.16827.20130) 64 Bit )

For the font, however, this only affects Calibri for me and not the font used as standard Calibri (detail).

Thanks Josef.
Very helpful video.

I pointed out in another thread that it seems to be just those controls using the 'plain' Calibri font that are affected but forgot to do so here. Good to have confirmation that my 'gut feeling' is correct! I've informed the A-team
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Form exported with SaveAsText:
Begin CommandButton
                    OverlapFlags =85
                    Left =1757
                    Top =737
                    Name ="Command0"
                    Caption ="Command0"
                    GUID = Begin

                    LayoutCachedLeft =1757
                    LayoutCachedTop =737
                    LayoutCachedWidth =3458
                    LayoutCachedHeight =1020
                    WebImagePaddingLeft =4
                    WebImagePaddingTop =4
                    WebImagePaddingRight =3
                    WebImagePaddingBottom =3
                Begin CommandButton
                    OverlapFlags =85
                    Left =1870
                    Top =1474
                    Width =1530
                    Height =338
                    TabIndex =1
                    Name ="Command1"
                    Caption ="Command1"
                    GUID = Begin

                    LayoutCachedLeft =1870
                    LayoutCachedTop =1474
                    LayoutCachedWidth =3400
                    LayoutCachedHeight =1812
                    ThemeFontIndex =-1            <-------
                    WebImagePaddingLeft =4
                    WebImagePaddingTop =4
                    WebImagePaddingRight =3
                    WebImagePaddingBottom =3
Command0 ... button with Calibri (Detail)
Command1 ... button with Calibri => System
The difference is ThemeFontIndex =-1 (default is ThemeFontIndex =1 in form).

The problem does not depend only on Calibri but on the theme. I tested with another theme font Arial (Detail) and Arial. => same behavior.
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Excellent analysis @Josef P. That was very helpful to the Access team
I can confirm that both issues have been confirmed by the Access team and are currently under investigation.

I will update this thread when I have more news
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I have been informed by the Access team that the font issue will be fixed in the next few days. The way this fix will work means you won't need to update Access, just restart it.
As I suspected, its a themes related bug.
If you can wait, do not alter any form fonts and these will be fixed automatically.
If you need to fix them manually now, change the control fonts to the Detail version of the font e.g Calibri

The less important bug in the nav pane shutter bar is still being investigated. Hopefully will be fixed soon as well
Version 2309 Build 16.0.16827.20130 32-bit Current Channel. - I see the problem with the text on the minimized Navigation Pane right away.
Thanks to all who have responded. No need for any further feedback unless you find additional issues not described above

I have just published an article on this topic at the Access Forever website and a very similar article on my own Isladogs On Access website.

I will update the articles & this thread when there is something new to report

P.S. @Josef P. I 'stole' two screenshots from your video for the articles. Hope you don't mind!
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UPDATE 12 Oct 2023
Within 10 days of me first reporting the two issues, the first has already been fixed and the second will be fixed later this month.
For further details, see below. Many thanks to the Access team for a speedy response

1. Font changes for some form controls
I am pleased to report that the font issue has now been fixed.
No version update required but you will need to restart Access for the fix to be implemented.

Affected forms should revert to the original fonts provided you haven't saved the form in the meantime.
Where forms have been saved, you will need to restore the affected controls to the original font manually.

2. Nav Pane Shutter Bar Vertical Text
The nav pane shutter bar issue will be fixed in version 2310 which should be released on 23 Oct or soon after

For more details on either of the above, see my article at Two Font Display Bugs in Version 2309 ( or Two Font Display Issues in Version 2309 (
Many thanks for coordinating and following up on this isladogs, I'm very happy to have the right fonts back on my forms (y).
I've just had an update and the Nav Pane shutter bar vertical text problem is now fixed.
Yes, mine was fixed a couple days ago on the Beta channel.
I assume like me you are on one of the insider channels. Current channel users will get the fix next week in version 2310
I didn't think I was on an insider channel. On the Product Information page accessed from File | Account, "About Access" says "Current Channel" and "Microsoft 365 Insider" doesn't show me to be subscribed.

My version of Access is
Microsoft® Access® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2310 Build 16.0.16924.20054) 64-bit

Anyway, it's fixed which is the main thing! :)
I just last week upgraded to Version 2408. Here is the full version: Microsoft® Access® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2408 Build 16.0.17928.20114) 64-bit. Josef P shared a great .gif earlier in this thread where he showed that only the basic Calibri font was changing to system font and Calibri (detail) wasn't affected.

However, I have a database for my shipping department that produces picklist for their daily shipping schedule and all the fonts in the report were originally Calibri (detail) but were changed to Aptos (detail) causing text to get cut off due to the difference in character widths between the two fonts.

When I go to change the font back to Calibri (detail) I noticed that I don't even have that font anymore. Looks like in the newer builds of 365, microsoft decided to remove Calibri (detail) and any controls that had Calibri (detail) are now automatically switched to the new default font Aptos (detail) whenever anyone using Office 365 opens the data base. I confirmed that only users with Office 365 have this issue because I got my boss to open a database on his Windows 7 dinosaur of a PC and he didn't have any issues but I did. This is a pain because now I will probably have to go into each database and change to completely different fonts. I will never use an Office default font again because of this.

@isladogs, I don't know if you've seen this issue recently and if you can escalate this with the Access team? Also, this is my first post on this forum. Should I open a new thread or is it appropriate to respond to this since this is essentially the same issue as your og post?

P.S. My stupid IT group was trying to repair my Office 2019 Excel that was acting buggy and I specifically told them I did NOT want to upgrade to Office 365 precisely because I knew something would break... They ended up "accidentally" uninstalling Office 2019 and told me at that point I had to upgrade to 365 and now here I am... fml
Hi @Tbure90
The issues were fixed a long time ago. See my article

Some additional information that may be useful:
1. Fonts only show as e.g. Calibri (Detail) or Cambria (Header) when they are used as part of an Access theme. You should still have Calibri on your machine
2. Aptos is indeed slightly wider than Calibri which can cause issues. If you don't want to use Aptos then change the default theme settings in Access options | Client Settings

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