Solved missing empty data


Local time
Today, 15:11
Mar 20, 2024
so i have 2 continues forms and their data source is a crosstab query
but one shows locations without specified records and another form - doesnt. this doesn't work for me , as those forms are in my main menu and both located next to each other and location data should be exactly next to another. so even if on a right side there is no data in location, then it should be just empty.

how do i make 2nd form shows all locations even there is no data. where should i dig ?

i have checked literally everything and spent 3 hours i and couldn't find it why one is full list - another is looks like to me shows only if there is a data


left one

SELECT Tlocations.LocationID, Tlocations.Location, qryCrossTab_UnionActionCount.TotalActions, qryCrossTab_UnionActionCount.New, qryCrossTab_UnionActionCount.[In Progress], qryCrossTab_UnionActionCount.Completed, qryCrossTab_UnionActionCount.OverDue, Tlocations.LocationSort
FROM Tlocations LEFT JOIN qryCrossTab_UnionActionCount ON Tlocations.LocationID = qryCrossTab_UnionActionCount.LocationID
ORDER BY Tlocations.LocationSort;

right one

SELECT Tlocations.LocationID, Tlocations.Location, Tlocations.LocationSort, qryCrossTab_UnionRisks.TotalRisks, qryCrossTab_UnionRisks.InProgress, qryCrossTab_UnionRisks.Completed, qryCrossTab_UnionRisks.Overdue
FROM Tlocations INNER JOIN qryCrossTab_UnionRisks ON Tlocations.LocationID = qryCrossTab_UnionRisks.LocationID
GROUP BY Tlocations.LocationID, Tlocations.Location, Tlocations.LocationSort, qryCrossTab_UnionRisks.TotalRisks, qryCrossTab_UnionRisks.InProgress, qryCrossTab_UnionRisks.Completed, qryCrossTab_UnionRisks.Overdue
ORDER BY Tlocations.LocationSort;
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