Monthly Consumption Query


Local time
Today, 09:09
Mar 20, 2020
Good Morning and thank you for previous assistance, I'm fairly new to Microsoft Access and struggling to write a query. I have a simple table containing all issues made to the customer (sample data attached). What I'm trying to achieve is a query which displays the number of times a part is issued over the past 36 month period along with the total consumed for that month. I'm attaching an example that I quickly put together in Excel that I'd like to see. Where zero consumption (issues) occurred in the month I would the field to display a zero (0). Month 1 or M1 in the attached example would only include the last full month. So if I were to run the query today (7 April 2020) then Month 1 would look at anything that occurred in March 2020.


Thank you, but I have no idea how to achieve that. Can you assist me further?
you can use Crosstab query, if you want.
see Query1.


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