Moving text automatically?


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Today, 11:13
Jan 31, 2006
I have five text boxes with a separate box for the date that automatically inserts when I enter something in the text box. Is it possible to have it set up to only allow me to enter information in the first box and at a later date when I enter more info in, automatically move everything down to the next box, and so fourth.
Sorry if this is in the wrong section, but I am not sure if this is something simple in the box properties, or if I need code.

I may be off base here, but it seems to me that you should look over your data structure.

Do you really want the text to be in different fields?

If you want your posts to "push down" then what you really want is some sort of parent-child table.

Parent has the master record including a record number.

Child links to parent by master record number.

Form is a main/sub form in which the parent data is on the main form. Child data is in a subform. Dates are in the CHILD table, sort is by DESCENDING date. Limit the size of the sub-form window if you only want to see the last five entries or so.

The things you are describing are flat-file thinking, but Access isn't a flat-file system. It can do more - if your imagination can do more.
the term normalization has crossed my desk, would that be inline with flat file system?
is it out of line to post the form to maybe better explain what I am trying to accomplish?
it turned out to be easier then I thought. I guess I was over thinking it a bit. If anyone needs to code let me know and I can post on here for you.

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