MS Access room different price according to date, duration, occupation


New member
Local time
Today, 06:57
Dec 7, 2022
I have been using MS Access for some tasks and it is very handy. Due to increase efficiency on my new job I also want to create a database. But I am a little bit confused, because there are too many factors to consider. I hope you can help me by giving some ideas. So here is the situation.
I am supposed to give information to the customers according to their needs, while talking via phone.
I want to enter check-in and check-out dates and tell them prices on different premises. But prices vary according to:
1) Premises
2)Room type
3) whether staying one or two people on the room-single or double( because prices are full board)
4) Prices changes due to month of the year, and let say if someone check-in time is 29th of December and check-out time is 03rd of January. 2 days should be calculated on December's price and 2 days on January's price.
5) Prices are different also if someone stays up to 7 days, 7-13 days, 14-20 days and so on.
6) and also there are discounts sometimes(not always) premises offer like if someone stays 7 days, 1 night is free so he/she pays for 6 days.
On premises some room premises has same type of room while others may have different, I am planning to handle this via junction table. But for other issues I am really having hard time to configure.
So I hope you may give me some ideas.
Thanks in advance for your contribution
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@Gasman sorry for that, I will keep in mind that, and you can be sure that this will not be repeated in the future.
What you described is more of a coding task than a database task. Access can still get you there, its just that the heavy lifting is most likely going to be a VBA function, not a series of tables (although they might be involved) and queries.

I suggest you get pen and paper and write an algorithm for how to calculate prices. You've got a good outline (#1-6 above), but now you need to fill in the gaps and make the logic complete. Once you have that, then you need to test it--and try and break it. Throw really weird edge cases at it (36 days that spans 3 months and 2 years and see if your algorithm handles everything correctly.

Then you need to take that algorithm and turn it into a VBA function that you pass all those variables too and it returns a price.

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