MS Access to Azure SQL Connection String Variables


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Today, 13:13
Apr 2, 2009

I am successfully connecting from MS Access to an Azure SQL database with a connection string that looks like this:

strConnection = "Provider=ODBC;" & _
                "DRIVER={" & strDriver & "};" & _
                "SERVER=" & Azure_Server & ";" & _
                "DATABASE=" & SQL_DB & ";" & _
                "UID=" & Get_Azure_User & ";" & _
                "PWD=" & Get_Azure_PW & ";" & _

I would love to know how/where other developers are storing connection string variables (e.g. user credentials)?

Some of my considerations so far include environment variables which seem about as secure as plain text. Local encryption, but then users need a key for decryption. I have also messed around with App registration + Azure Key Vault, but you end up at the same point with needing to store variables such as tenant id, client id, client secret etc...

Any thoughts or opinions would be appreciated.
Local encryption, but then users need a key for decryption.
You can use the Windows API to encrypt/decrypt data based on the currently logged in Windows user account. This will not require entering a password.
Warning: This is not suitable to encrypt shared or long-term data. The encryption is tied to one specific account and resetting the account's password may alter the encryption key rendering old encrypted data unrecoverable.

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