

Dick S
Local time
Yesterday, 23:21
Jun 9, 2009
One of my computers has Win 8. I have a MS Access db (calander) that uses a MonthView ( ) Active X control (MSComCtl2.MonthView.2) which MS no longer uses. Every time I have to upgrade to a new OS it no longer works. If I remember correctly it is because the system no longer has a [FONT=&quot]mscomct.ocx file. What I don’t remember is, where and how to insert this file. Anybody know.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Also does anybody know if there is a control put out by MS that would replace [/FONT](MSComCtl2.MonthView.2) so I don't have to go through this with Win 9, 10, 11, 12, 13:eek: Not a date picker, but a calendar. Trying to Google this on my own I came across a site that said the reason that MS did away with the calendar control was so that people would use "OutLook" Now we all know Big Bill would never do that just to earn a measly extra billion dollars.:D
You can find yourself: Do a search in the old computer (only the Windows folder) and find the location. Should be the same in the new one. In my computer the file is in C\Windows\System32 folder.

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