multiple tables, similar data


New member
Local time
Today, 15:32
Sep 18, 2004
I have 10 huge csv files full of data.
I have linked to the tables in my new Database.
Is it possible to create a Report that will summarize all the duplicates in all of the tables together?

The data is formatted like so...

Item0564, Ron
Item0566, Bill
Item0564, Bill


I want to make a report for Ron's Items, and a report for Item0564's users.

It is a database in its most basic form, but will be a great way for me to learn.
Later I will add a from to allow you to select the sort options.
For now, I will hard code them into the query.

Please be specific, I have very little knowledge of Access.

Regards, Ron
I would import the data into one table and run the duplication query wizard on it.
OR create a UNION ALL query on your linked tables, then run the duplications query wizard against that (think it can be done).
But I would go with the import method myself.

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