Need A Customizable Barcode Scanner


New member
Local time
Today, 00:05
Aug 7, 2011
Hey All,

I am out of options as to what to do. My business is a small, but growing, manufacturing business of automotive parts. I am trying to take control of the inventory we produce. Basically what I am looking for is a type of barcode scanner/handleld scanner that my employee's can scan a barcode put on the finished product and on the actual handheld, the user would:

1: Scan the barcode, press "Enter" or "Tab" or whatever
2: Enter the Name of the to product
3: Enter the person that built the product
4: Enter possibly one or two more customizable fields, then press submit.

Now ideally that data would then be sent to a software database on a computer via WiFi or whatever.

We do use QuickBooks Pro 2011 and I haven't found a way to incorporate any of this.

Can anyone help me with this? Is there such a thing out there? I would only need 4-5 customizable input fields after the barcode is scanned. One day I would probably like to use this scanner to scan all parts that go into the finished product. As for right now, I just want one barcode on the finished product that the user can input his own data and I can have a record of it.

Any help would be appreciated.


Automotive Help
Hope I can help, I've created many bespoke barcode interfaces to data.
Please have a look at my website, if I can be of help or if you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Gary White
This is something we definitely can do. Please message me here for more details.
our website is my login name .c o m

You can learn more there as well. Thanks.
I knew a softare company and its barcode reader is really good. Most importanly, I think its price is quite reasonable. Maybe you can have a try. Its name is Hope it can help you.
I have been looking for something similar, but I couldn't find anything.
So I decided to build my own access database to create and read the barcodes for inventory purposes. I am still in the beginning though.

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