New forum section ideas and name changes


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:13
Sep 28, 1999
I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread on possible changes to forum section names, new forum section ideas and stuff of that ilk.

Do you think we should change the "SQL Server" forum section to "SQL Server & Azure" or "SQL Server & Azure SQL"?
What about the Access Web section, which has little engagement..should it have a name change?

Some ideas:
  • Access & Web Integration
  • Access Online & Cloud Solutions
  • Access for the Web
  • Access Web & API Integrations
  • Access Web & Cloud Integration
  • Access Web Tools & Services
  • Access & Web Applications
The differences between SQL Server and Azure SQL Server are quite nuanced, but I think adding Azure SQL Server to the title wouldn't hurt, and possibly help with search engine results?

As an aside we use Azure SQL almost by default as a back-end technology these days.

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