New Member - Hello!


New member
Local time
Today, 13:34
Oct 14, 2015
Hello Access Community!

Boy am I glad I found you :)

My name is Sherry and I've been building "databases" in Access for about 10 or 11 years. However, I'd not worked much with SQL or VBA until recently, mostly just used Macros for small automation tasks.

Well, this last project has had me arms and legs deep in SQL and VBA which is good, I need to learn them. However! I'm learning on the fire side. Basically, I have an automation task to be done and I look up the code to make it happen. I know calculations and development but for increased automation, this has been one learning experience after another.

Most recently, along with technical aspirations (I'm learning PHP right now), I'm Marketing Manager with my employer, have a very small Social Media Marketing, Branding, and Business Consulting business, volunteer for two non-profits, have a boyfriend, dog, cat, and bird. That's about all there is to my world.

How about your world? What do you do?

If you have any words of advice, I'd love to hear them!

Hi Sherry, welcome to AWF.

Cheers Tony
Hi Sherry welcome aboard :)

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