If I rename StudentID to Student and create a new StudentID
...FROM ((Numeracy_Student INNER JOIN Numeracy_Enrolled ON Numeracy_Student.StudentID=Numeracy_Enrolled.EnrolledID) INNER JOIN Numeracy_Grade ON Numeracy_Student.StudentId = Numeracy_Grade.GradeID) INNER JOIN [Numeracy_UNSW Maths] ON Numeracy_Student.StudentID=[Numeracy_UnSQ Maths].MathsID...
Probably not. You need to fix every single JOIN you have, none seem right. Does StudentID really equal EnrolledID, GradeID and MathsID? That can't be right. You never link the primary key of one table to the primary key of another table. The primary key in one table gets linked to a plain number field in another table.
Not a problem. But let me give you some general pieces of advice:
1. Don't screenshot SQL for us. Copy and paste it. That way we can manipulate it and fix it easier.
2. Don't use spaces in table and field names. When you do it makes coding and querying more difficult.
3. Simplify, Divide, Conquer and Advance. When this thing didn't work you should have stripped all but 2 tables from your query and got just those 2 tables to give you the correct results. When it did, add the third table. When that worked, add the fourth. Initially, if your feeling lucky, shove everything in your mouth at once and hopefully you don't choke on it. But once you do choke, you need to dislodge everything, cut things up into bite size pieces, chew them one at a time and get them down that way.