Not printing unbound boxes in subform footer


Local time
Today, 07:23
Sep 24, 2020

I am attempting to print a form which contains several subforms. The data in the subform header and detail sections displays fine. However the figures in the unbound textboxes located in the footer are not displaying - only blank boxes are visible.

My print code is (although as a side issue I am still manually setting to landscape and A3)
  Application.Printer.Orientation = acPRORLandscape
     Application.Printer.PaperSize = acPRPSA3
    DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPrint

Anyone know how I can resolve this?

Here is a snippet of the print-out:

And this is what its like on screen:
another maybe.
create a query for your sales table add a total (weekly) and the grand total.
use the query as recordsource of your report then make the 2 total textbox Bound to your query's totals.
The recordsource is currently a query - but its a crosstab so its all dynamically assigned on load.

I will try the totals option though. Maybe I can dynamically assign the query total to those textboxes.
Since that is a footer, it has its own section. You might be able to put something in the Footer's OnPrint or OnFormat event to fill via VBA, assuming the data could be available. Note that OnPrint events don't run if you were not open in a Print mode.
Save yourself a lot of headache and just use a report. That's what they are for. Reporting stuff.

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