Number of Users problem


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 17:06
Oct 28, 1999
I have a DB that doesn't use any tables...
basically it contains only 3 forms and writes to text files that are imported once a day into a seperate DB with reports etc there is no direct link between the two

My problem is that my simple front end is standing up to a thoroughly good using by about 100 people a day but shortly it'll be facing a potential 1000 ( in reality probably more like 500 at any one time ). I believe that Acces97 has a user limit of 256 so I may need 2 front ends. As I have no access to VB which it should really be written in can anyone think of a way I can perhaps create a seperate DB or something that will launch whichever of the DBs has user space available?
You will need to assign each user to a particular front end.
Thanks Pat, I was afraid that might be it. It's really difficult to do as I work in a call centre and staff only stay for 3-6 months ( usually ). I think i might have created an administrative nightmare for myself...
Why don't you assign a group to each front end, and then when you create your users make them a member of the appropriate group.

[This message has been edited by BarkerD (edited 01-13-2000).]
Hi, thanks for your suggestions. I haven't set up user groups or even a password as the one available for use is a completely locked up mde, if I need to make changes I have a development one elsewhere. The solution I'm going to try is below - I haven't tested it yet so it probably won't work as it is but some version of it should. More text files seemed to be the way to go as that's what the rest of it runs on:-

Sub WhichLaunch()
' to kick off as the Launcher.mdb/e is opened
Dim myNumbersFile As String
Dim iWhereOne As Integer
Dim iWhereTwo As Integer
Dim iWhereThree As Integer
Dim myFile As Long
Dim MyLaunch As Double
On Error GoTo Oops
Let myFile = FreeFile

Open "T:\Path\MyNumberFile.txt" For Input As #myFile

Get #myFile, 1, iWhereOne
Get #myFile, 2, iWhereOne
Get #myFile, 3, iWhereOne

If iWhereOne < 256 Then
Let MyLaunch = Shell("MSAccess T:\Where\Where1.mdb")
Put #myFile, 1, iWhereOne + 1

ElseIf iWhereTwo < 256 Then
Let MyLaunch = Shell("MSAccess T:\Where\Where2.mdb")
Put #myFile, 2, iWhereTwo + 1
ElseIf iWhereThree < 256 Then
Let MyLaunch = Shell("MSAccess T:\Where\Where3.mdb")
Put #myFile, 3, iWhereThree + 1
MsgBox ("Sorry, there is no space available on any of the available Whereabouts Databases" & Chr(13) & "Please advise your administrator")
Close #myFile
End If

Close #myFile
DoCmd.Quit ' close the launcher
Exit Sub

Dim t As Boolean
Let t = stderror(Err.Number, Err.Description)

End Sub

- I'll then have a similar set of code in the launched mde that subtracts one from the number of users. I've just guessed as I'm typing this that I could save the hassle of creating text files and just read from the ldb instead. Think I'll give that a go. Thanks again for your suggestions.

[This message has been edited by KDg (edited 01-16-2000).]

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