Oh Rocky!


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Local time
Yesterday, 23:53
Jan 14, 2002
My daughter just came in here and did her version of the Time Warp.
I then showed her the proper steps.
I wonder, did the UK have the Rocky Horror Picture Show at the midnight movie? (Or any other time)

For those of you who have seen it, I have a great story for you.
My friends, Stan and Margaret, were out of town and decided to see what this particular town's Rocky Horror crowd was like.

Apparently, they weren't the only curious folk in the the crowd..... lol.
They ended up sitting right in front of a later-middle-aged couple who, apparently, t'was their first experience with the performance.

The movie starts, and the crowd does their thing, shouting back all the appropriate lines at the appropriate times....
And then the older couple starts shushing the audience.... "Quiet! We can't hear the movie!!!"
The crowd ignores them, of course, and continues with their lines....
"Shut up!" yells the man.
Finally, after 15 minutes of trying to control this crowd.... the man stands up and says, "C'mon, Annie... we'll come back tomorrow night when these HOOLIGANS aren't here!"

Stan and Margaret are beside themselves...... imagining the next night's performance with this poor, uninformed couple trying DESPERATELY to figure out the plot of this movie.

So, Brits... did you ever dance in the movie theater in your bra and panties? Or wear a corset and fishnets and strut your stuff? Or were you a hunchback with a banana on his head?

C'mon... do tell!

Have you seen the sequel? Not even worth being a cult classic like the first one.
TessB said:
So, Brits... did you ever dance in the movie theater in your bra and panties?

Many times - but only ever under an alias, and if you publish this I'll sue.:D
I've never quite had that experience, but I got a glimpse. The first time I saw the movie was in high school on Halloween with a bunch of goth kids. I was the only preppie in the crowd. That was scary all on its own. :D

My favorite part of the movie?

"Dr. Scott!"
"Dr. Scott!"
"Dr. Scott!"
Vassago said:
Have you seen the sequel? Not even worth being a cult classic like the first one.

I didn't even know there was a sequel. They try to make sequels from everything these days. :rolleyes:

We went to see it a few times at the midnight movie and it certainly was an experience. :D
This movie was a bit before my time. When I was probably 20 I sat down to watch the DVD of it with my parents. None of us really knew anything about it and we got about 20-30 minutes through the movie before turning it off. I didn't understand what the deal was with the movie and I thought it was completely stupid. However, I suppose if I was a teenager at the time when the movie was shown in the theaters and everyone did all that weird stuff then I probably would have gotten into it.

To this day I still haven't seen it all the way through and likely will not ever. This is one cult classic that I will never be a part of. :rolleyes:
It is completely stupid. That's why it's fun :)

IMHO, only the first half is fun/funny/cool. After that it loses its charm and because just plain dumb.
The sequel is called Shock Treatment and came out a few years after the original. It never made it to dvd to my knowledge and certainly not to any movie theater.

They are supposed to be making a second sequel to the original, but not much has been announced about it so far.
TessB said:
So, Brits... did you ever dance in the movie theater in your bra and panties?
I recall a few parties in the past where people have done that:eek:

I can't say I've noticed people doing it in the cinema though

TessB said:
So, Brits... did you ever dance in the movie theater in your bra and panties? Or wear a corset and fishnets and strut your stuff?

Having never worn ( or ever wanted to) those items of clothing, I can't really comment.
I guess this is an American male thing? :eek: :confused:
Rich said:
Having never worn ( or ever wanted to) those items of clothing, I can't really comment.
I guess this is an American male thing? :eek: :confused:

Tsk Tsk Rich - J Edgar Hoover may have been American but we've got Eddie Izzard and Danny La Rue. Thin ice mate.:p

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