Open form Button Works on Most computers but not one


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 16:39
Jan 13, 2009
The form has numerous buttons on it, all function correctly on all computers except that one button does not function on ONE computer but works on every other computer. When you click the form load button on this faulty computer, it just hangs as "not responding" on occation and other times simply does nothing (like a button without code/macro behind it). Also on this one faulty computer, just about everything is slower than on working computers (like trying to save VB code takes 2 minutes as opposed to the usual 20 seconds, or form loads take 2 minutes as opposed to the usual 10-15 seconds).

On the computer with the problem... I tried deleting all the form_onload() code and it DID work as expected, the form loaded correctly. I didn't have a chance to test, but the only difference between this forms onload event and all the others is that this onload event sets a global variable... I didn't have time to test if this was the cause by deleting just this one line (hard to steal someones computer for many hours) but I suspect it is.

Anyway, I think I did resolve the problem... all I did was close a few background programs from the icons next to the clock. After this, everything worked as expected on his computer. I really don't know which one's I closed. I now I "paused" the "Microsoft Office upload center" program and closed one other program. After this, everything worked. I then re-enabled the upload center program and tried again to see if this was the cause, but everything still worked as expected... so it had to have been that other background program I closed that was causing the problem.

I'm wondering if anyone has had similar issues and if they could shed some light on this. Is there a problem with access global variables interacting with background programs? Why is this form open button causing problems and not others (agree that its the global variable? Why?).

EDIT: I just restarted the troublesome computer. Presumably this would restart all those troublesome startup programs that APPEARED to be the cause of the problem. However, everything still worked! I did determine that the program I previously closed was the sharepoint program... but now everything works regardless of what's running... very strange... problem fixed itself, but I can't determine why!
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Thanks, didn't know there was a script out there to do this. I have run thru this type of process in that past and it typical does speed things up a tad... if the problem comes back, I'll give it a try and, if it fixes it, I think we'll be able to say it is somesort of bizarre resource problem.

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