Open form to new record


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Today, 13:57
May 9, 2005
I want to make a form where I can only make a new record. I basically need a normal form that opens and automatically clicks the new record button. I do not want to be able to view and of the other records, only see the new record that I am putting in.
Open the forms property sheet, click on the data tab, change the Item:

Data Entry to "Yes"
also change 'navigation buttons' to - NO... that way, the bar at the bottom of the form by which you can browse through the records, is diabled.
What The Hell

OK I got that to work so that I can input new records. Thanks for that.

On the form that I open I am using an auto number to create client numbers. My table has numbers that go up to 18, but when I go to enter a new client, it is not 19. I think that my autonumber has counted up too high from me testing it. Is there anyway to get that so that it always looks at the last number in the table instead of the last number that it used
Have compacted your database???

I think this resets the autonumber
ChrisGow said:
Is there anyway to get that so that it always looks at the last number in the table instead of the last number that it used

There are several methods around, but you are better off Sticking to the auto number method, as every method I have seen has its own problems.
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmAddMovement", , , , acFormAdd

in the form's properties, on the 'Other' tab, set Cycle to Current Record, if you want.
ok I have noticed that this is not a form problem but something that deals with the table.
The table has the same autonumber problem.
Does this help anyone see a simple solution
Like I said before there are ways of doing it see Rogers example here:

AutonumberProblem.mdb ( beginner )
This sample illustrates a number of ways to simulate your own Autonumber primary key.

I must warn you that there are problems with using self generated auto numbers. To point you in the right direction, what happens if there is more than one user? This is important if you have or if you are going to have a front end backend arrangement of your database.

I think from memory, the other problem is that if a record is deleted then some systems will fill in the blank record with a new record, the problem here is that unless you delete ALL related tables, your new record becomes associated with the wrong data. (I think I've got that right not 100% though) one solution to this is to not allow any deletions, but have a flag field to flag that a record is deleted, and this excludes it from all of your forms/queries etc.

What I would suggest, is that you keep the auto number that MS Access generates, have it "invisible" behind the scenes and use that to link all of your tables together, then have a separate column for the number that you want your customers to see, possibly your invoice number or whatever, and keep that in numerical order.

This way you preserve the benefits of using the built in access feature, and keep your client happy by having a sequential order number / invoice number.
I think what I am going to do is have it behind the scenes. The only reason I actually need it is for access. Thanks for the help everyone.

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