Question Optimizing form on load


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Today, 02:47
Jun 22, 2009
I developed a database with a form that filters records from table when it loads. Since then the table has filled with over 5000 records and the form needs more time to open.
I use the VBA code to filter records and in the filter I specified that form returns only the records from the current month in order to speed up the opening.The field on which upon the filter works is indexed in the table.
What methods can I use in order to speed up opening of the form?
I was thinking on to create VBA function that will allow me to measure the time (in seconds) needed for for to open, can someone help me with this as well?
Is there a difference (mainly in speed of records retrieval) when I use DAO or ADO record sets in my VBA code?
If I switch to use SQL as Back end database rather than access will I gain in the speed of record retrieval?
Thank You

use the timer function - which counts seconds since midnight

dim times(2) as long

times(1) = timer
do stuff
times(2) = timer

msgbox "elapsed time = " & times(2)-Times(1) & " seconds"
I have not had good luck with timer. Not only did it slow my application down but it also caused some problems with updating fields on my form. Just my experience but timers a pesky little devils.
Regarding DAO vs. ADO recordsets - they are both compiled code so both are fairly fast. However, Jet uses DAO operations internally (unless that has changed recently.)
I have not had good luck with timer. Not only did it slow my application down but it also caused some problems with updating fields on my form. Just my experience but timers a pesky little devils.
I don't intend to use timer forever in my app, I just want to find the way to measure the time in seconds when my form opens because I plan to speed up the opening so I need a valid instrument to see how each change I plan to make reflects on the speed of opening. Thnx for the advice anyway.
Regarding DAO vs. ADO recordsets - they are both compiled code so both are fairly fast. However, Jet uses DAO operations internally (unless that has changed recently.)
For now I'm using DAO record sets and I wanted to know is ADO maybe faster than DAO, because my impression is (from what I've read so far) because ADO is more complex to use that DAO maybe it's better.
I have other question:
If I put SQL server (or MySQL) as back end database will the form open faster (because SQL server and MySQL are enterprise databases)?
DAO is native, ADO is not and is at higher level. DAO should be faster for you.
Here's some helpful tips on how to maximize your opening speed of forms.

In regards to DAO versus ADO, I've seen this topic come up often. Here's comments from someone who has extensively used both DAO and ADO of 20+ years coding...

DAO coders will say DAO is the best while ADO coders will say ADO is the best.

1. MSAccess has defaulted to DAO coding in some MSAccess versions and ADO in others. It's more of a personal preference on DAO/ADO syntax. Don't let the small, small speed difference between DAO and ADO persuade you to use DAO over ADO. Use what syntax you feel comfortable with learning versus any differences someone might say where one is better than the other!!
2. In some newer MSAccess versions, some DAO commands were eliminated, replaced with ADO commands. There are subtle differences such as a DAO command to run a make-table query will produce an error if the table exists while an ADO command to run the same make-table query will prompt the user to overwrite the existing table. I've seen a trend throughout the MSAccess version years where Microsoft seems to be leading coders down the path of ADO, back to DAO, then back to ADO syntax.
3. If using ADO coding, make sure to have the ADO in your references. If using DAO, make sure to have the DAO in your references. You'll notice if you've worked in different MSAccess versions, ADO references are automatically added.
5. Again, DAO coders will say DAO is the best while ADO coders will say ADO is the best. Again, a personal preference but I've found ADO much easier syntax-wise.
6. You won't really notice a difference in any speed retrieval of records between DAO and ADO (I ran tests on 5+ million records using both DAO and ADO and the speed difference was negligable - we're talking milliseconds in speed difference.) Concentrate instead on good db structure design for the fastest record retrieval - ie. de-normalize some fields to prevent linking of multiple tables in your queries. For example, over-normalizing a structure so the city, state, and zip are in separate tables would be ridiculous since this obviously would cause linking of several tables to return something common such as a customers address (not to mention complexity with form design). Note that each table you have to link in a query slows down it's execution!! Think about your common totalling queries when designing the structure and again, perhaps putting 'grouping' type totalling fields in the main table versus relational tables. Especially on large recordsets where you get into the 100,000+. You can easily get into the trap of over-normalizing your structure which won't matter if you use DAO or ADO. If the relational structure is designed optimally and well, form design usually follows and should be easy and produce fast data retrieval. A poor structure leads to slow form performance as well as a good structure but a poorly designed form. Design forms without multiple, multiple subforms or use a 'shell' subform without a sourceobject and populate the sourceobject as needed (such as in the OnClick event of a button.) You can test by having 5 subforms all bound to a mainform which opens all the records. Then remove the sourceobject for the subforms and test. Ideally, return only 1 recordset to the mainform and use criteria in your subforms to only return the relational record. You can again, test by opening all records on the main form versus using criteria on the mainform to only open a specific record (see links above.)
-** Use unbound form design if you have slow external users. This will give you the FASTEST form loading time. Keep in mind that when a form opens, each bound combobox/listbox rowsource also takes time when loading (ie. you can test this by designing a form with 15 comboboxes and then design the same form with only 1 or 2 comboboxes/listboxes (where the rowsource of each combobox is bound to a large recordset). Again, see the links above for recommendations.
7. Using SQL Server will improve speed (along with other benefits.) Since linked SQL Server tables versus linked MSAccess tables go directly to the SQL Server versus linking to another mdb on the network drive. This will give you better performance, especially if the bottleneck is the network drive itself.
8. ADO syntax (I've found), is much easier than DAO. For every DAO command, I've found the corresponding ADO command to be much easier (again, for me) to understand.
9. Avoid using the Filter (as the link above suggests) and instead use the Where clause. The Filter seems to be problematic with upsizing MSAccess along with other problems with odd syntax values in the Filtering data field. For example, you can test by opening a form using the Filter parameter versus opening a form using the Where parameter. You'll notice a difference in the speed on large recordsets since filtering is applied after the recordset is loaded versus a where clause which limits loading of the recordset to the specific record.


10. Timer type events on forms can be problematic if not done correctly, use them carefully. Avoid timer events which close the form on the user. This causes data issues. I never use timer events on data forms the user opens. I use them on unbound forms such as closing a splash form or for mdb's which automate tasks that a user never opens (such as an IVR phone calling type mdb).
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