Solved pass parameter for two queries


New member
Local time
Today, 18:18
Nov 22, 2022

so ive created two append queries, one is called 'task_create_header' which when a report is generated it notes the employee, task date, start date, task id and the job type.
the other one is called 'task_create_detail,' which brings over the job Id from 'task_create_header.'
im wanting to create a macro that runs two queries and it prompts the user to put in a username then a job id and then runs a report that displays like a log of actions.

im unsure on how to do this, any thoughts?
My thought is to create a form.

Have an input area for the username, one for the id and then a button. When the button is clicked it perfroms VBA (instead of a macro) to execute the actions you want.
using a Form to capture the selection criteria is far superior to using a prompt from the query. Then instead of a macro, use the click event of a button on the form to run the append queries.

I know macros seem like a lower bar for newcomers but they are not. You use the OpenReport method to open a report in VBA and Intellisense will help you with the arguments or you can look in help to see the options ahead of time.

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