passing parameters to chart on report


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Yesterday, 17:49
Sep 12, 2012
This is my 1st access report and I'd appreciate any help. From a report menu, I open the report which opens a form and prompts for report parameters: date range and state. On this report I have a graph which works off a query and works fine without parameters. I added a where clause to the query to use the parameters from the form, but it prompts me for them because they're not passed to either the report or the chart or the query. This is the query so far:

SELECT event.state, tests.gender
FROM Event INNER JOIN Tests ON Event.Event_ID = Tests.Event_ID
WHERE tests.state=forms!frmRptParameters!selState;

How can I make this work? Thanks a lot
Why not use the SQL as the row source for you report?
I've already figured this out. Thanks

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