Percentage Calculation Problem


Registered User.
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Today, 15:26
Dec 26, 2009
I have not been able to solve our calculation problem “IF” the Net Share Cost has a value of $0.00.

(If the Net Share Cost is BLANK or $0.00, it means that this stock has / was not purchased.

Your suggestion will be appreciated.

Problem – Field = Percentage_PC

Thank you, Nicole


It's not really clear what your problem is here, Nicole, but at a guess you might try:
=IIf(Not IsNull([Net_Share_Cost]) AND [Net_Share_Cost] > 0, ([Current_Price]-[Net_Share_Cost])/[Net_Share_Cost], 0)
It's not really clear what your problem is here, Nicole, but at a guess you might try:
=IIf(Not IsNull([Net_Share_Cost]) AND [Net_Share_Cost] > 0, ([Current_Price]-[Net_Share_Cost])/[Net_Share_Cost], 0)
Thank you CheekyBuddha for your suggestion.
I am sorry that I did not explain our problem properly.

When the value in “Net_Share_Cost” is $0.00.
Meaning that this stock was not purchased.
Then an error occurs in the field “Percentage_PC”.

If the “Net_Share_Cost” field is empty or contains a value other than 0, no error occurs.
The problem is that IIF doesn't short-circuit its computation. More precisely, VBA always computes BOTH SIDES (the true AND false arguments) of an IIF. This is what I meant when I say "no computational short circuit". Therefore, you are getting an unexpected divide-by-zero or some other math error - I.e. a zero/null Net_Share_Cost - even though you want to ignore the formula when you have that condition.

The simplest solution is to build a public function that takes in Current_Price and Net_Share_Cost as arguments, does a formal IF-THEN-ELSE-ENDIF block with the IF condition being the same as you used for your IIF test, and either return the result of your formula or a 0. Because you use the IF-THEN-ELSE-ENDIF block, VBA will only execute the THEN or the ELSE but won't execute the other part. Unlike IIF, which does NOT short-circuit alternatives, the IF block will only execute the "live" side of the block.

There are other options involving the Form_Current event, but if either of those fields is editable, then you would also need to have other VBA code to recompute the values.
Any math with Null should return Null. If field has 0 then division by 0 will error. A custom function is one way to go. Otherwise, try:

=([Current_Price]-[Net_Share_Cost])/IIf([Net_Share_Cost] = 0, 1, [Net_Share_Cost])

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