political correctness vs. playfulness


Local time
Yesterday, 21:05
Aug 17, 2020
hey you guys,

I thought I would post some more interesting screenshots of a PM conversation I had with a moderator on another board, who apparently, is also suffering from a little too much ""political correctness"". Now, there's nothing wrong with this person (and they just happen to live in London, UK), but I thought I would show you guys what my effect and/or influence has on other people of the internet forum community:



I cannot say that this exchange you posted represents any surprise to me even though I had not seen it before. The other moderator is apparently chastising you for the same kind of behavior that got you in trouble in this forum.

You commented that this might be interesting to me. It is interesting only in the limited sense that you have the infernal gall to post exchanges that tend to confirm the opinions about you that we have already formed. That is a lot of chutzpah and I am fairly sure I am not exaggerating when I say that. I'll further add this comment: Everyone tells you that you are your own worst enemy and you never seem to get it. I don't know how to explain it any better because I'm not a certified professional life coach.
I don't need advice from you Richard. I simply wanted you to see someone else's similarities to you, and how both of you don't understand how my caring attitude is hidden but also how it sparks a soul and curiosity in people who despise political idiocy just like I do. You are much like that woman who was conversing with me, as you both seem to have let your political viewpoint take a way a piece of your soul, and what's left seems to be ""semi-truth"", whereby mine has retained all of it.
We need not resume the discussion regarding whether there even exists such a thing as "soul" in the sense that you mean it. We both know it would be beating a dead horse.
OK np. I think it's been beat into the ground. on the next round of accusing Adam of finding women to date on the internet....
It's not political correctness to not be a jackass.
It's not political correctness to not be a jackass.
and of course, that's aimed at me. but sometimes being a jackass opens the eyes of others to what common sense, good business, and the truth really is.
sometimes being a jackass opens the eyes of others to what common sense, good business, and the truth
True. By being a negative example of those three virtues, you show us clearly what NOT to be.
True. By being a negative example of those three virtues, you show us clearly what NOT to be.
you think I'm negative? well I'm sitting inside a monastery right now, and the monk I've chosen to talk to, who is the younger brother of a man I went to high school with, has told me that he's seriously relieved that someone has come in who knows what the truth about human beings really is. and not all of it is positive, so if you guys are desiring to be inspired every minute of your life and can't handle at least A LITTLE bit of the nastiness and hatefulness that the world runs on, you're not gonna get very far. You'll have a heart attack at the very least. As they say: ""if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen"".

so, put in a blunt sense of the idiocy this world runs on: ""if you can't stand the evil and crazy humans that corporate manipulators and salespeople produce, and you don't want them to burn your house down someday, be real with them and don't run around in public with a fake smile on your face like corporate people do"". THAT is why so many successful business people and government officials own guns and fortify their homes. Because unintelligent people don't know how to use their inspiration to do well for themselves. they have no talent to do so. and I've said this before......there are so many unintelligent people in this world, if you keep showing that fake smile on your face and the corporations continue to do what they're best at, there's no police force in the world that can stop 5 million people from charging your home and setting it on fire because they're not smart enough to do for themselves in a capitalistic society. Christ was killed for this reason, but only because there was no police protection for people walking with confidence and truth 2,000 years ago. In this day in age, no one would touch me, for many reasons. One is because I'm not a rich man. Another is because I don't walk around with a fake smile on my face because I'm scared of the evil that corporate greed produces. Lastly, I'm not lazy. I'm certainly in the minority of the people who live on Earth that live the right way, and unfortunately that requires me to encounter those evil and confused people that corporations manipulate, and do the work / put in the large amount of hours to teach them that they have become mentally crazy and that there's no need for it. So essentially what I am is a counter-balance to false inspirers. And when people who ARE crazy encounter me on the street, armed or not, they wouldn't dare do anything to me because, even though they are crazy, there's something special about someone who walks around with the confidence and truth of Christ in their heart. Evil people nowadays just stay away from that type of person because they know who that person is and what they represent, but they also know who they themselves are. And they know in their heart that they are living in serious error. And most of the time, for some reason, they are unable to correct their mistakes and turn their lives around.
You keep on bemoaning the ill fate of the world, but you ALSO keep on blowing your OWN horn.

By the way, I hope you weren't taking yourself seriously when you said this: "And when people who ARE crazy encounter me on the street, armed or not, they wouldn't dare do anything to me because, even though they are crazy, there's something special about someone who walks around with the confidence and truth of Christ in their heart. Evil people nowadays just stay away from that type of person because they know who that person is and what they represent, but they also know who they themselves are."

I wish you no ill, but that attitude has a serious chance of leading you to a hospital stay - if you are lucky.
I don't think so Richard. but what do you mean by that? are you saying that I sound like I'm crazy and need a psyciatrist? or are you saying that I'm headed for a scenario of being mugged?

regardless of what you mean, my point still stands and that if a crazy person on the street sees me walking with confidence because God is in my heart, that crazy person might stay away for a few reasons. my guess is that all of these might apply:

=> they're confused about how I would react if they tested me.
=> they realize that I'm not a typical potential victim.
=> they don't see people behave the way I behave.
=> they're scared of my large stature.

so what do you think? are any of those what you meant?
=> they're confused about how I would react if they tested me.
=> they realize that I'm not a typical potential victim.
=> they don't see people behave the way I behave.
=> they're scared of my large stature.

you missed one

=> they see themselves in me.
My point was and is that a crazy person might NOT be thinking of any of the points you just listed. The whole issue with crazy people is that their actions are far harder to predict. If the crazy person is crazy for need of a drug fix, desperation will override any of those points you listed.

I seriously do not wish any physical harm on anyone, even you. I'm just saying that you get careless when you believe yourself to wear the "armor of God." Setting aside my own beliefs for a moment, I'll throw something your way. Consider Matt 4:7, which is the reply to the Devil taunting Jesus to test God's power: Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'" Your own "reference book" says that it is wrong to attempt to test God. Taking the "I am armored by God" attitude is fine, but that doesn't mean you should walk through a bad neighborhood.
Taking the "I am armored by God" attitude is fine, but that doesn't mean you should walk through a bad neighborhood.
I have never said that NOTHING would EVER happen to me. I am simply saying that there is so much truth that resides in me, that in this day in age, it would be highly likely that a criminal would encounter me, desperate or not, and engage in discussion with me about his life and complain to me about why he is desperate and what can be done about it, rather than mug me to get money out of me.

But I suppose it does help that I weigh 220 and have a large muscular build. But that doesn't mean I'm immune to crazy criminals that will do anything to anyone in bad areas of cities. Honestly, I've never walked through some of these *worst* areas of cities so I can't say what would or would not happen. But yes, in those areas there are certainly many crazy and undesirable people. And even though Peter (or Paul?) says ""put on the armor of God"", what he's referring to is to walk in truth and to not be afraid, even though you could be killed at any time. After all, that passage goes right along with a few others that are very relevant in this day in age, written down and said to be the words of Jesus:

""when they persecute you in one town, flee to the next, for surely you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before the son of man comes"".

regarding the end times....
""then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake.
but the one who endures to the end will be saved"".

regarding people who kill the faithful
""do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
fear not, therefore: you are more value than many sparrows"".

and to give YOU, Richard, some advice that accompanies the last quoted passage:
""so everyone who acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge before my father who is in heaven. but whoever denies me before me, I will also deny before my father who is in heaven"".
I respect your right to believe as you do. I believe differently. That is all I care to say on the topic.
I won't push it because we've beaten the dead horse into the ground many times

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