Politically Correct as the show South Park has taught us really works


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Today, 14:28
Oct 22, 2009
Perhaps others have a story to share of how being Politically Correct works?
The cartoon series South Park in this season is a wonderful education service.

Living in Denver, Colorado the "Mile High City" a few dozen miles away from the snow covered mountains, people here want to feel they are supporting the ecology. Just like episodes of South Park (Based on South Park, Colorado) they shop at Whole Foods, wear the mountain sport athletic shoes and clothing, and drive trendy SUV in case they actually go to the mountains.

I live in a nice part of Denver where homes average in the $500,000. My neighbors won't talk to me because I drive a regular 4 door car with a very souped up Ford 4.6L engine that gets about 9 miles to the gallon and pass any other car on the steepest uphill mountain grade at any speed of my choosing.

The wife told me I need to reach out to these politically correct neighbors to kind of break the ice.

So, I bought a bumper sticker for my car "My Car is a Hybrid".
Now suddenly, the neighbors in their mountain hiking gear walking their dogs that crap in my front yard are saying "hello" and actually acknowledging my existence. So, they must feel I am appreciating the importance of the ecology thanks to the bumper sticker. That is a good thing.

My wife besides being amazed about my social acceptance just because of a bumper sticker asked me about my ethics of claiming my car is a Hybrid.
I had to explain to her that it is absolutely true. My car runs on both Gas and Oil.

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