Possible query help?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:24
Nov 10, 2009
I want to create a specific query. here's how the tables are set up

I have 2 tables, 1 is general contractor, 1 is project information. they are linked by "gcname"

I need to create a filter that will sort all the records in the project information that if a project is marked "inactive it will list.

here's the hickup. I need to make sure that the general contractor does not have an "active project" so i need to check and see if they do and take any inactive projects associated to the GC out of the query.

I was thinking something like

If GcName and Project status = active, dont show...

or something like that. I'm tired and confused and would like to find out how to do this..


I am looking at your database but your thread does not match the content of the database.

Status: Actively Bidding

Is this the data you are stating if the field Project Status = "Status: Actively Bidding" then show nothing else show the status, if this is the case you would need to add the query builder and then have something like this:

Result:IIF([Project Status]="Actively Bidding","",[Project Status])

If this isn't the result you want then can you be more specific with the correct field names and correct criteria.

I look forward to your reply.

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