possible regEx - identifying dynamically produced webpage data


Well-known member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:57
Mar 13, 2021
I've got a webpage that has a list of names on it that are 'a' tags unofficially, but there are no 'a''s written in the HTML code. the names are under a tab, 1 of 2 tabs for sorting. the HTML behind the 2 tabs is:
<!-- Nav tabs -->
            <ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
                <li role="presentation" class="active">
                    <a role="tab" href="#artists-catalog-categories" aria-controls="artists-catalog-categories" data-toggle="tab" v-on:click="switch_tab('categories')">Fine Art Showcase</a>
                <li role="presentation">
                    <a role="tab" href="#artists-catalog-artists" aria-controls="artists-catalog-artists" data-toggle="tab" v-on:click="switch_tab('artists')">Browse By Artist Name</a>
                <li class="artists-catalog-years-holder">
                    <select class="artists-catalog-years" v-model="selected_year">
                        <option v-for="year in years" :value="year.slug">{{ year.name }}</option>
under the 2nd tab I have this HTML code that apparently generates all the links to the artists' individual pages:
            <div class="tab-content">
                <div id="artists-catalog-categories" class="tab-pane fade in active" role="tabpanel">
                        <li v-for="category in categories">
                            <a :href="category.link | append_year_query_string">{{ category.name | html_decode }}</a>
                <div id="artists-catalog-artists" class="tab-pane fade" role="tabpanel">
                    <div class="artists-char" v-for="(char_artists, char) in artists">
                        <h2>{{ char }}</h2>
                            <li v-for="artist in char_artists">
                                <a :href="artist.link">{{ artist.title.rendered | html_decode }}</a>
i'm looking for a way to open, from code, new tabs for each of the names that appear on this page. can anyone give me a hint if VBA can actually do this, regardless of the library? thanks.

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