Potential Business Partners

I suspect you're talking to a prospective spammer;)

Yup, it looks like your right. When the URL block pops off his signature I am not clicking it :P

Incidentally I once new a guy who flew to the moon, lets see if you believe me.

There is a tiny percent of the population who are successful without proper education, famous examples include Richard Branson and Jamie Oliver. Buy you can guarantee they soon learn the importance of it (and probably hire someone to type/write for them).

Anyway irrelvant again, sorry for being off topic. I wish you all the luck with your business venture.
Is there nobody who was reminded of the spam emails we all receive about "100% OK viagra no probrems" and "Geniune Kartier necklaces... just click here" when reading the original post?

THAT's why it's important to have good grammar, spelling and punctuation - always, not just on the web - especially when recruiting for partners/employees... otherwise you just look like a joker
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