Problem with Word mail merge from query

Al Kramer

Local time
Today, 04:21
Jan 7, 2025
Hello fellow keyboard pounders

I'm not sure if the query or general form is the right place for this queston but you guys have been great so I'll start here.
I'm trying to creat a Word mail merge from an access query. I can't get Word to find my query. I tried both initiating form Word and from Access.

In Word i get:



I don't recall creating an administrator or password for Acccess. Where, how do I maintain this info??

Why not do the Mail Merge in Access by creating a Report?
What did you try when presented with the Login form? Did you try click on the OK button or Cancel? What happened?
What did you try when presented with the Login form? Did you try click on the OK button or Cancel? What happened?
I clicked ok that brought me back to same window. then I chose databse
What did you try when presented with the Login form? Did you try click on the OK button or Cancel? What happened?
Yes I tried 'ok' and 'Database' I ultimately did get to a screen that would allow me to chhoose a tables but not the query i neeed. The query I need is parameter driven. Could that be part of the problem
It would be easy to remove the parameter and test. I usually export a query to a text/delimited file from Access and then open the Word document.
It would be easy to remove the parameter and test. I usually export a query to a text/delimited file from Access and then open the Word document.
I would like to generate the letter from a button on the switchboard. I'd like as little user interaction as possible. Can i do this with your methodolgy

I would use VBA to export the query results to a CSV file and then open the Word document. The Word document will use the CSV file.

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