Stop everything and step away from your forms. Your table structure has a lot of errors that you need to fix before doing anything else. In fact, what you asked about initially shouldn't even be done--you get your tables right and it's no longer an issue to address.
View attachment 118430
First, foremost and in general--data does not get copied around in a
referential database. It doesn't move from one table to another, it gets referenced. Instead of moving fields of data into a foreign table you just put the id value of that field (e.g. FarmerID) in the foreign table (e.g. FarmerT) into the appropriate field of the other table (e.g. DispatchDetailsT.FarmerID). You set your tables up to do this, but then you added fields for all those other fields as well which isn't correct (e.g. DispatchDetails.District, DispatchDetails.Area, DispatchDetails.DealerName, etc.).
I don't fully understand your data, but just looking at the above screenshot of your tables I see these errors:
1. Duplicated fields. This is what I explained above. If you have FarmerID in DispatchDetailsT you don't need those other fields. You just use a query, link FarmerT to DispatchDetailsT via FarmerID and you have all that data available. Don't copy data over, use a query and get it that way.
2. Spiderweb of relationships. Looks like every table is connected to every other table--that's not correct. There should only be one way to trace a path between any two table, you've got a spiderweb of paths. From InvoiceT I can go directly to FarmerT (path 1) or I can go from InvoiceT to LogisticsT to FarmerT (path 2) or I can go from InvoiceT to DispatchDetailsT to FarmerT (path 3) or I can go from InvoiceT to LogisticsT to DispatchDetailsT to FarmerT (path 4) or I can go (honestly since they all relate the paths are infinite). There should only be one path, I don't know which it is, but I know your relationships are wrong because I can trace so many ways.
To fix this, you need to eliminate some of the ID fields in those tables that make those relationships. Only 2 tables should have FarmerID fields--FarmerT for sure, then whatever one of those other tables is most directly related to Farmers. Same goes for all those other ID fields in more than 2 tables.
3. Storing totals. Not 100% sure you did this, but its odd that you have TotalInvoiceAmount in DispatchDetailsT. Seems like that should either be in InvoiceT or shouldn't be a field in a table at all but in a query where you sum InvoiceAmount. You shouldn't stiore values you can derive in other ways.
Again, put away any form building you are doing and get your tables right first.