Query Delete Statement - Date field problem


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 20:20
Sep 25, 2004
I have created a date field in format of "d/m/yyyy". However, when I perform the Query statement to delete the record, I found that if the day part under 12 the Query statement recognize it as m/d/yyyy, but if the day part over 12 the Query statement can automatic recognize it as d/m/yyyy. I want to know how to overcome this problem. !!!!!!!! :confused:
Are you deleting the record based on the date..
If so & you are doing it from code, use
SQL...."WHERE (((Table1.Datefield)=#" & Format(Me.txtdate, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#));"
even if txtdate is in uk format it will still delete the correct record...

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