Query return max value (1 Viewer)

I had to ask our database supplier to provide data in an unnormalized format
@LeoM If you explain the normalized version of the data, the guardians of SAP might have a better file/files for you to download. Otherwise, you have to normalize as you import the data to make it easier to work with. But do use the "side end" technique I suggested.
Hello everyone, first of all i would like to thanks all those give support on this tread, it really help me to manage the issue, sorry for late answer bit could not before. I would like to give some answer to some of you:

To Pat: yes you are absolutely right, regardless i'm fighting to get direct link to SAP, at the end what i get is a set of view tables coming from an intermediate database managed by SAP Support who extract data from SAP two times a day. This is the maximum i obtain but at least is something. In another country where i worked i was more lucky, they give me the right to the tables.

To June7 : "why no output shown for OMBIRD 2". Sorry just because i sent another more small example to show the result of the union query which work fine. So i just remove it from the example, nothing more.

To gemma-the-husky:
- refer to "It's hard to understand the the column ticks for ref OMBIRD-1, particularly that the second row has no ticks." : yes this is a mistakes. Not sure if you are aware how it work a TL in SAP (but i think yes from your question) however, very simple, a TL has multiple Operation and each operation should have at least 1 packages (frequencies) or multiple. In this case is a mistake.
- refer to "The column ticks for Ref OMBPCRQ1 also look curious as well. Why do some rows have multiple ticks?" There are some frequencies (activities) that may be repeated that's why sometime each operation has multiple package. Then we may open a discussion about this way to do (for me wrong) but is not this the correct discussion.

Now that the problem is "temporary" solved, I will definitively work in the "normalization" of the table using your evaluable examples and suggestion.

I'm not sure what TL means, but that doesn't mean I would understand the concept. Although the table doesn't look normalised it may be suitable for what you are trying to do, and the appropriate sort order to manipulate the data in sequential order, or alternatively as a set.

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