Solved Query to Add two fields


Games Collector
Local time
Today, 06:38
Mar 31, 2017
Hi All

I have the below query which is running fine but i want it to total ( some how ) so it should show 3 ( as when they use a joker they get a bonus if the answer was correct )

query ran
query ran.PNG

query details


so any help be grateful appreciated

cheers all :)
Show a total of 3 in which column? How does the total of 3 gets calculated from the data you posted? Is it by subtracting the first record to the second record in ChoiseNo column?
Agree with Dbguy, there's no way to do addition on those 2 records to arrive at the answer of 3.

Are you summing Yes/No fields? How can you play a negative amount of Jokers? How can you get a negative amount of answers correct?
I had a programmer on my team who couldn't spell to save himself. The team took a vote and we had him fix all his spelling errors because it drove the rest of us crazy if we had to work on his code. This was back in the days of punched cards so it was no simple task as it is to day with something like find and replace.
I am assuming you want the number of questions correct for a person for a round + 1 if the answer is correct and they played a joker If that is what you want you can do that in a subquery, but I would make separate query and link that to your query by both RoundNo and Person

Assume two people played round 1 which has three questions.

Player 1 answered 2 questions and none correct with a joker
Player 2 answered 2 questions correct and one with a joker played.

Then your query to get the sum for each person per round (+ 1 for correct with joker)



You can then join that query to your original query getting something like



  • sum.PNG
    6.5 KB · Views: 45
I had a programmer on my team who couldn't spell to save himself. The team took a vote and we had him fix all his spelling errors because it drove the rest of us crazy if we had to work on his code. This was back in the days of punched cards so it was no simple task as it is to day with something like find and replace.
Back in the days when cruel and unusual punishment was still legal? ;)
cheers all but i just created a second query to count number of times correct and joker played and had this result sent to a text box on results page and then added them together, maybe not the most elegant but it works :)

and yes my spelling was not great but then I didn't notice till months later :(
cheers all but i just created a second query to count number of times correct and joker played and had this result sent to a text box on results page and then added them together, maybe not the most elegant but it works :)

and yes my spelling was not great but then I didn't notice till months later :(
The username on my Windows account on this laptop is "georg", because spelling is hard.

Actually, I left it that way as a reminder not to become too arrogant.
I spent so much time looking up spelling in dictionaries when I was in school that I almost learned Latin:ROFLMAO: The book directly behind me on my bookshelf is a dictionary followed by a Thesaurus and then a manual of English usage. Old habits die hard. Plus, I have an English major friend on speed-dial should I need a practical answer;)
We were just jerking your chain. You do get points for consistency though;) I couldn't survive without spell check.
and i know, love a bit of office humour :) or perhaps as American cousins would spell hmor lol ( as they seemed scared of the letter U in words like honour or colour )

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