Quick question regarding navigating records

Al Kramer

Local time
Today, 17:09
Jan 7, 2025
Hello All


I don't know what this part of the form is called, if it has a name? In any case, it's VERY small. Can i enlarge it, or is there is simple way to replicate its funtionality with controls on the form? Including the search?


Those are Navigation buttons and there are lots of options. Search the web for “ms access custom navigation buttons”
It’s called the navigation bar and is not resizeable. You can build your own, numerous examples available if you search for it. Here is an example
First, what you call that: The navigation buttons. Here is the property of the form that lets you turn that feature on or off. Note that for unbound forms there is nothing to navigate and you might therefore not see them anyway on special unbound forms that do their own navigation. I.e. there might be nothing to turn off for an unbound form.

Second, you can't easily enlarge it. A lot of articles look like they respond to a search for "Resize navigation buttons" but they all (so far as I have found) seem to be resizing the navigation bar, which is a totally different thing.

Third, yes you can "roll your own" version of the navigation buttons and disable the standard set. Your operations would then involve some interaction between your custom buttons and Me.Recordset and/or Me.RecordsetClone using the Me.Recordset.MoveFirst, .MoveLast, .MoveNext, .MovePrevious, and .FindFirst or .FindNext operations. Some extra safety could be assured for the search options if you do some of that manipulation using Me.RecordsetClone and then copy Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark to Me.Recordset.Bookmark if your search succeeds.

There is also the issue that "rolling your own" can get your form confused. For instance, a .Requery could make the form momentarily act as though it were unbound. See this link regarding .Recordset operations which includes remedies for that case.

See also this video by Daniel Pineault, who is a recognized expert in Access issues. He produced a directly applicable video on the subject.

Here's a demo of a simple form that uses "custom" navigation buttons to replace the Access default. You could replace the command buttons with icons in image controls to expand the palette. I rather think I'll try that, in fact.

This one is much simpler than the classes approach Daniel demoes.


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Screenshot of a work in progress, with custom icons in image controls.

Wouldn't a move of a single record, be a single triangle
I guess one could prefer a single triangle. I'll look for icons like that. I also couldn't find an icon that matches the "Add New" in the Access Navigation. I would prefer that if I can find one closer to it.

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