Realy need help with ranking no code at coding need help


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 19:18
Feb 25, 2012
Hi Realy Need help with this query. I have a query called query 1 that calcualtes the rank of each player by points, however instead of going 122356 etc i want it to go 112345 or if someone has the same points shows = as in =1st place. the tie break if two players would be plus.minus field like you would have in a football league table. i dealy want it to rank 1123345 etc Im no good at coding so if anyone know who to do this please adjust query 1 as you see fit you help would be much apreciated/
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Test1 (2).zip (400.9 KB, 0 views)


There is no query 1 in your upload. But I think you should probably do this in the form, not the query. Also, are you sure you want to be separating the our teams/players and opposition teams/players? They are the same entities, so I see no reason to separate them other than you wanting to pay more attention to your teams. That should mean you want to focus on a particular record at the form level, not a different table.

Additionally, can you explain the points fields in tblMatchPlayers? I can't tell if that table is about individual players or matches. Is this a team sport?

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