I have a simple table that acquires a few records during the operation of a module.
After acquiring 4 or 5 records this table is read to indicate where action is required.
My problem is that I am getting an error indicating the "record is deleted."
Prior to running the module I delete all records with the delete * sql string, for obvious reasons, but this seems to be the root cause of my dilemma.
If you run the sample db as supplied you will see the error.
Comment out the first msgbox and you get the desired result.
I have used this construct many times without any problems so what is different this time.
Obviously closing and reopening the recordset is a viable workaround but why now, why this time?
In the working module this recordset, along with a couple of others, is accessed in a number of procedures, hence the private declarations.
After acquiring 4 or 5 records this table is read to indicate where action is required.
My problem is that I am getting an error indicating the "record is deleted."
Prior to running the module I delete all records with the delete * sql string, for obvious reasons, but this seems to be the root cause of my dilemma.
If you run the sample db as supplied you will see the error.
Comment out the first msgbox and you get the desired result.
I have used this construct many times without any problems so what is different this time.
Obviously closing and reopening the recordset is a viable workaround but why now, why this time?
In the working module this recordset, along with a couple of others, is accessed in a number of procedures, hence the private declarations.