Reference for MSXML2.DOMDocument (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 00:18
Jan 19, 2010
Hi All you experts!

I have code I use for importing XML into Access. this code uses DOM document.
I yesterday wanted to run a test, and got a compile error: "User-defined type not defined". The error is on the first line of the import function:
Dim doc As New MSXML2.DOMDocument
. right-click->definition on MSXML2 shows me the object in the object browser. Same click on DOMDocument shows me a message: "Identifier under cursor isn't a procedure name". I still have the reference to Microsoft XML, v6.0.

The code has been running for years (last modified months ago), and still compiles and runs just fine at the client.

just not on my machine...

I am running mdb file on Acc2010 in a Win10 machine.
OK, I changed the line of code to
Dim doc As New MSXML2.DOMDocument60
What has caused the change? and hope it works at client location...

Please be tuned!
I presume version 6.0 is new

the doc type - domdocument60 seems to refer to library 6.0
Sounds irritating!

I will expect a call shortly, I think, when my stuff starts failing!
Hi, and thanks for the reply,

no, it's not new, I haven't touched these declarations and references since about 2009. How new would this reference be? (I could refer to version 3.0 too. how old is it?...)

As far as I recall, the client refers to 6.0

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